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SSRS Report Path #54

Closed JamestownDistributors closed 6 years ago

JamestownDistributors commented 6 years ago

We are having a bear of a time trying to get this working with SSRS.

Our Report server URL is http://yeti.jamestowndistributors.com/ReportServer though we have tried

SSRS | http://yeti.jamestowndistributors.com/ReportServer | jamestowndistributors.com\liamk | Delete ssrs2 | http://yeti.jamestowndistributors.com/reports | jamestowndistributors.com\liamk | Delete Yeti | https://yeti.jamestowndistributors.com/ReportServer | jamestowndistributors.com\liamk | Delete Yeti1 | http://yeti.jamestowndistributors.com/ReportServer? | jamestowndistributors.com\liamk | Delete

From there we have tried our path. as instructed by the documentation.


I have tried copying the url from the report page itself, not that I thought that would work.

But even using the server url and the path in a browser as suggested by your docs only brings me to the root of the report server not the actual report.

Anyone have any hints as the documentation does not provide a lot to go on?

michaelmalmgren commented 6 years ago

Hi, I assume that the problem is that report isn't displayed in your presentation without any errors(?). Does other types of content work like images and html? Make sure you have the display switch "show errors" checked. Also can browse to the report from a computer displaying the report using the credentials you entered in the DM settings?


janicedawley commented 6 years ago

I'm having similar trouble getting SSRS reports to display. I've tried a number of variations on the base URL as well as the report URL, and no matter what, I always end up with a little broken graphic icon instead of a report in my frame.

Not sure if it's related to the issue, but our installation of SSRS is in SharePoint integrated mode, so our base URL is in a different format than the example.

janicedawley commented 6 years ago

Updating to add... I learned that we have a native mode installation of SSRS as well, and I tested a connection to that with similar results. No reports displaying, just a broken graphic. It would be great if someone who has gotten this working could provide some guidance.

michaelmalmgren commented 6 years ago

Janicedawley, Can you manually browse to the report from a "Display Monkey" computer using the credentials you entered in the DM settings?

janicedawley commented 6 years ago

Hi Michael -- Yes, I can browse to the report in both instances (SharePoint integrated mode and native mode).

ehuels-zahner commented 6 years ago

Having the same issue. We are running SQL 2012 SSRS in Native mode. I have tried all sorts of combinations for the path. Tried SSL and non-SSL. Different user accounts. Nothing is working. This is a new installation; if I get desperate, I may try downloading and older version of DM to see if it is a problem with the current build.

michaelmalmgren commented 6 years ago

Hi Ehuels, please verify that you are using the URL to the SSRS server and not the SSRS management portal

Incorrect: Report Manager URL : http://servername/reports

Correct: ReportServer URL : http://servername/reportserver

ehuels-zahner commented 6 years ago

Yes. I am using the correct ...reportserver URL. I attempting to display a report under a folder. I can verify that I am trying to display a report file, not a link. Neither the report or the folder have spaces in the name.

psined1 commented 6 years ago

I'm sure you have looked already at #55 . In any event, I would highly recommend if not.

ehuels-zahner commented 6 years ago

I believe figured out my problem. One of those DUH moments. I have DM installed in a Dev environment trying to view a Production report. Network config won't allow Dev to connect to Prod. Unfortunatley I don't have SSRS available to me in Dev.

psined1 commented 6 years ago

OK, great, I'll close this one then.