fuel9 / DisplayMonkey

Display Monkey digital signage solution
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DisplayMonkey install error #91

Closed ToniTolonen closed 5 years ago

ToniTolonen commented 5 years ago

I have run into error right away, since I have done the steps on the Install doc.

My enviroment: Win2012R2 server + SQL 2012 express. Fresh install dedicated virtual server for this purpose.

Steps on the install instructions, which I don't quite follow.

Step 1 'set appropriate folder permissions as needed' And needed folder rights are...

Step 2 'We recommend to use the built-in NT AUTHORITY\Network Service or a Domain Account as the Application Pool Identity (User).'

Step 1 I created a local user called displaymonkey on this server and have used it here. Displaymonkey user have full control on both files under wwww-root \DisplayMonkey and \DisplayMonkey_Management. Step 2 I have used the same users here as the Application Pool Identity (User)

Step 3 I used this same user here on my SQL login. When I created the database added this same local windows user as db_owner for displaymonkey database.

Step 4 Adjusted web.config on both locations to point to my database on this same server. Servername I used FQDN name.

Done... and I end up to this error page, when choosing browse on the IIS on both applications


something critical is definately missing or undone, even I have followed the instructions :(

psined1 commented 5 years ago

Sounds like you may be facing some IIS setup issue. I would recommend checking thru the closed issues for a possible answer. Also, please make sure that you have all IIS dependencies installed. Sounds like you may be missing one of the required HTTP handler modules, or they are not activated, or missing proper permissions.

Check this link and this link for more info.

ToniTolonen commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately I am not getting further with my Displaymonkey setup. I have double check all the settings done. IIS server is installed with default setup, only manually checked option is there one mentioned on the instructions 'windows authentication' on the IIS. Can't see the missing part or misstake, since I have followed install instructions http://www.displaymonkey.org/dm/documentation/installation/

michaelmalmgren commented 5 years ago


Can you maybe share what "Web Server Role(s)" that you have selected on your IIS installation?

ToniTolonen commented 5 years ago

I believe I have a misstake on the web.config file on the database connection. because I get following error when trying to browse displaymonkey monkey_db_error

Can someone say do I have misstake here on this line, where I define db-connection ``


those bold parts are my sql-server(I have installed sql express on this same server, where I have IIS also) User, what I am using here is a local windows account with required dbo rights to database named DisplayMonkey.

About my IIS server role I am not sure about. Do I need to assign some role(s) to it. IIS role is added to my WIN2012R2 server with default values. ASP 4.5 and Windows authentication are only exceptions, by default I believe these are not checked.

ToniTolonen commented 5 years ago

Any comments on this. I am not getting my setup running, even that I have done all steps mentioned on the install instructions and tryed now basicly everyting..

When I browse to address http://localhost/displaymonkey/ my browser will end up on following error


System cannot find the file specified.... I have bee stearing my Web.config file... trying to find misstake on it with no luck.

any help or advice available. I'll need to look for something else, when not getting this working

psined1 commented 5 years ago

From your error stack it's pretty clear that you either have not set connection string in the main web application web.config file, or DM database is not accessible from the application server.

ToniTolonen commented 5 years ago

Thank you for your comment. I am pretty sure, that I don't have misstake on my web.conf file db-defination

on the definition string 'add name, says "DisplayMonkeyDB", my database name is Displaymonkey like it is sayd on the install instructions. I have also tryed to change this 'add name' to match my db name. I am getting different error message?

Could you verify, should I name my db like on the web.conf 'add name' or like on the install instructions is sayed.

thank you in advance

psined1 commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately, a magnitude of things can go wrong. We have not see other people running into the same issue as yours, so it must be specific to your setup. It's hard to tell without looking deeper. Our free community support is limited and mainly relies on self-service.

DM solution comes with 2 different applications - DMM and DMP. Each has its own web.config. There are multiple auxiliary web.configs found in each application's sub-folders. Could it be you are fiddling with a wrong web.config file? How is you database setup - same machine or network? As I said, many things to check...

psined1 commented 5 years ago

Also, try removing the " thing from your connection string. See if it helps

area57 commented 5 years ago

and maybe it will be good to know, if you want to connet to a sql express server, your connction string should look like this:

Data Source=SERVER_NAME\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=DisplayMonkey;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=DisplayMonkey;Password=123456

importent is the SQLEXPRESS part after the Servername

ToniTolonen commented 5 years ago

Finally got my DM working. I am not so skilled with SQL and by default remote connections are not allowed or at least there is not default port enabled. (I did not knew this)

Solution to my DM setup was 'hiding' on SQL settings. For example this tread is explaining solution quite well https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9945409/how-do-i-fix-the-error-named-pipes-provider-error-40-could-not-open-a-connec

Solution shortly. Check from your SQL

My IIS and SQL express are on the same virtual host and my connection string look like this.

<add name="DisplayMonkeyDB" connectionString="Data Source=HOSTNAME;Initial Catalog=DisplayMonkey;;Persist Security Info=True;UID=Dmonkey;Password=Display123!" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

... just the host name is enough.

Thank you all, who commented on this tread.

psined1 commented 5 years ago

Glad it worked for you!