fuelen / ecto_dev_logger

An alternative logger for Ecto queries
Apache License 2.0
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UnicodeConversionError #5

Closed Valian closed 2 years ago

Valian commented 2 years ago

Hi @fuelen, thanks for a very useful library!

I encountered a bug that causes an exception when logging a query. This is what appears in the console.

[error]  Handler "ecto.dev_logger" has failed and has been detached. Class=:error
 encoded: "\e[38;5;31m'Q}vG",
 message: "invalid encoding starting at <<246, 229, 61, 115, 2, 108, 128, 33, 102, 144, 102, 55, 125, 237, 142, 40, 217, 225, 234, 79, 134, 83, 85, 94, 218, 15, 55, 38, 39>>"
{List, :to_string, 1, [file: 'lib/list.ex', line: 997]},
{Ecto.DevLogger, :"-telemetry_handler/4-fun-0-", 4,
 [file: 'lib/ecto/dev_logger.ex', line: 54]},
{Enum, :"-reduce/3-lists^foldl/2-0-", 3, [file: 'lib/enum.ex', line: 2396]},
{Ecto.DevLogger, :telemetry_handler, 4,
 [file: 'lib/ecto/dev_logger.ex', line: 52]}

I added additional check to get params forwarded to telemetry_handler. Here they are:

measurements = [decode_time: 3368, idle_time: 1060439273, query_time: 13933908, queue_time: 3607902, total_time: 17545178]
metadata = [
  options: [], 
  params: [
    <<81, 125, 118, 71, 246, 229, 61, 115, 2, 108, 128, 33, 102, 144, 102, 55, 125, 237, 142, 40, 217, 225, 234, 79, 134, 83, 85, 94, 218, 15, 55, 38>>, 
    ~U[2022-04-19 08:53:55.503683Z]
  query: "SELECT u1.\"id\", u1.\"email\", u1.\"first_name\", u1.\"last_name\", u1.\"hashed_password\", u1.\"confirmed_at\", u1.\"inserted_at\", u1.\"updated_at\" FROM \"users_tokens\" AS u0 INNER JOIN \"public\".\"users\" AS u1 ON u1.\"id\" = u0.\"user_id\" WHERE ((u0.\"token\" = $1) AND (u0.\"context\" = $2)) AND (u0.\"inserted_at\" > $3::timestamp + (-(60)::numeric * interval '1 day'))", 
  repo: MyApp.Repo, 
  result: {:ok, %Postgrex.Result{columns: ["id", "email", "first_name", "last_name", "hashed_password", "confirmed_at", "inserted_at", "updated_at"], command: :select, connection_id: 145, messages: [], num_rows: 1, rows: [[1, "jakubskalecki@test.test", "Jakub", "Skalecki", "$2b$12$.kvB0H60EvpkDQG3kAbIBOblbcnL7x9ObaGrF2t6eaXWVF5/nWqke", ~N[2022-03-31 09:43:15.157988], ~N[2022-03-31 09:43:15.158022], ~N[2022-03-31 09:43:15.158022]]]}}, 
  source: "users_tokens", 
  type: :ecto_sql_query

Do you have an idea why it happens? Currently, this makes it impossible to use the library for me.

fuelen commented 2 years ago

Hi @Valian What is the type of "token" column?

In order to print invalid strings, we may try to encode them to base64 and decode in SQL, so the logged snippet will look like

u0."token" = DECODE('9uU9cwJsgCFmkGY3fe2OKNnh6k+GU1Ve2g83Jic=', 'BASE64')
Valian commented 2 years ago

@fuelen it's :binary, and in PostgreSQL bytea. It's a standard token schema generated by mix phx.gen.auth, and token itself is generated by :crypto.strong_rand_bytes. Displaying it in base64 sounds like a good, copy-pastable idea.

dougw-bc commented 2 years ago

I have noticed the same issue with a Cloak encrypted :binary field

fuelen commented 2 years ago

I have a working draft, will publish a fix today later

fuelen commented 2 years ago

@dougw-bc @Valian fixed in v0.1.4

Valian commented 2 years ago

:heart: :green_heart: :yellow_heart: :orange_heart: