fuhrmanator / PlantUMLPharoGizmo

Pharo support for PlantUML
MIT License
17 stars 3 forks source link

Question about Pharo integration #10

Closed amiracam closed 2 years ago

amiracam commented 4 years ago

Sorry, but is there a way of using it in Pharo without Moose ? i.e. to the extent that there's a text pane where PlantUML syntax can be entered and a second pane that in a REPL manner shows the corresponding UML diagram ?


fuhrmanator commented 2 years ago

Hello and sorry for the late reply. Today I created a fork https://github.com/fuhrmanator/PlantUMLPharoGizmo/tree/pharo9 that should not have any need for Moose. It's working for Pharo 9. You need to load it via

Metacello new
  repository: 'github://fuhrmanator/PlantUMLPharoGizmo:pharo9/src';
  baseline: 'PUGizmo';

Then you can open with PUGizmo open in a playground. I hope this works for you.

fuhrmanator commented 2 years ago

Also, if you just want core PlantUML support, check out https://github.com/kasperosterbye/PlantUMLBridge if you didn't already know about it.