As an instructor who teaches the same course in different offerings with different schedules, I want to update dates and times of synchronized activities (in Moodle, SIGNETS and PlanETS) so that the process takes little time and is error-free.
Task List:
[ ] use case Moodle - update activity dates in a Moodle course backup file (XML)
[ ] display activities
[ ] change dates
[ ] save dates to new backup file (XML)
[ ] use case Moodle - synchronize activity dates with new course schedule
[ ] use case SIGNETS - synchronize activity dates with new course schedule
Acceptance criteria:
The instructor does not have to click more than 10 times.
The dates and times of the synchronized activities (in Moodle, SIGNETS and PlanETS) are adjusted according to the schedule of the course offering.
refined the task list for this user story (these tasks will eventually show up in iteration plans), according to scope of iteration 1 with @denisbressand
As an instructor who teaches the same course in different offerings with different schedules, I want to update dates and times of synchronized activities (in Moodle, SIGNETS and PlanETS) so that the process takes little time and is error-free.
Task List:
Acceptance criteria: