fuhsjr00 / bug.n

Tiling Window Manager for Windows
GNU General Public License v3.0
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A quick way to find & activate given window #269

Open imcYaro opened 3 years ago

imcYaro commented 3 years ago

Bugn is my daily driver, which saved me a ton of time over the last few years. It's just a great tool The one thing that I'm struggling to figure out is how to quickly find and activate the window I know the title of

Is there any magic trick to find it with some menu, hotkey, script, anything I could use? It would be great if there's a menu with listed windows per monitor/view and pick the one I'd like to jump straight to

Can anyone help, please?

janvanveldhuizen commented 3 years ago

Wouldn't it be way better to close applications you don't actively use? That avoids the need of so many views. Just have the windows open in which you are working, and close the others. That gives a better overview and more peace in your mind. In my experience, when I have ten windows open, then this is a sign that I am working unstructured, and that I have to stop and first decide what I want to focus on. The other windows will then be closed.

imcYaro commented 3 years ago

Thanks Jan for stressing how keeping a focus is important to increase our productivity. I totally agree with you!

Unfortunately, my work requires quite a lot of context switching, and bugn helps me a lot to keep the focus on the apps I need just now, and not more.

The thing is that during my workday I need to join a meeting after a meeting, with different sets of apps that need to be ready in no time. And check the communication (Outlook, Teams, etc) in breaks between them. The bugn feature of managing views is really useful in that case, and I appreciate it a lot (so for example the listed apps occupant one view, I press win-1 and voila... it's all ready).

I can think of limiting the number of views to let's say 5, but still, it would be great to see a way to find a given window faster.

joten commented 3 years ago

Currently, there is no feature like this (menu with listed windows per monitor/view). But I excavated a script from 2011, which did something similar and which I uploaded to tools/hul.ahk. But it shows all windows, which can be found, in a flat list, and you might want to change the Main_restore function to the following:

Main_restore() {
    Global Gui_wnds

    GuiControlGet, wnd, , Gui_wnds
    If wnd {
        wndId := SubStr(wnd, 1, InStr(wnd, ": ") - 1)
        WinActivate, ahk_id %wndId%
    } Else
        GuiControl, Focus, Gui_wnds

-- This might be a starting point.