fui / fui-kk

Course evaluation software for courses in informatics at the University of Oslo.
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Scaffolding for Nettskjema API (v2) report download #106

Open torgeirl opened 3 years ago

torgeirl commented 3 years ago

The fui_kk/download_reports.py script stopped working when Nettskjema transitioned from regular user authentication to Feide OAuth2 authentication (issue #105).

The current API v2 lack two vital components:

Due to this it's currently more work to grant the API user access than to just download the TSV files from the web interface directly. The next version of the API is however in the makings (ETA: Fall of 2021), and some of the provided code could probably be reused or at least serve as an example for how to access Nettskjema submission data using HTTP requests.