fui / fui-kk

Course evaluation software for courses in informatics at the University of Oslo.
MIT License
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Course evaluation forms are sent to all users/emails associated with a person #98

Open thor opened 5 years ago

thor commented 5 years ago

Students who have additional accounts receive multiple evaluation forms due to having multiple usersnames, and the fact that all users are made members of sin(f)xxxx groups.


Various possible solutions/workarounds to the issue:

  1. Do an LDAP search on cn=people,dc=uio,dc=uio for all the members of a given netgroup, and filter out any users who are not present there.
    • Downsides include the possibility of filtering out users who have been created within a given term, where the primary user is not the one that has the class membership.
    • Upside is making absolutely sure no additional users receive the e-mails.
  2. Filter out any users with a hyphen in the username.
    • _Downsides include that not all users would be filtered out, e.g. both my student user and my employee user would still be there._
    • Upside is that you wouldn't have any loss, and you would still avoid e-mailing management and administration users.
  3. Firstly get the Department of informatics to automate the update of class membership, so that any newly created users will also get the account. Then you can get all students from LDAP cn=people,dc=uio,dc=no, and use that to filter out all the users that aren't primary users from lsng or cn=netgroups,dc=uio,dc=no.
    • Downside is that this could take a lot of time before it's possible.
    • Upside is that this probably should be done either way.
    • It is more or less the first suggestion, just with the required fix to avoid losing out on potential student feedback.

Regardless of this issue, I would recommend using LDAP rather than using SSH to execute lsng. If the network access is a problem you could always setup a SOCKS5 proxy to the DOI servers before attempting to read from the LDAP catalogue.