fujaba / org.fujaba.graphengine

This project's aim is to build a graph engine, that is able to build and compare graphs - and to match patterns and apply actions on the graph, to effectively use it as a graph-transformation framework.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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implement RoadWork/RoadBlocking example #26

Closed hoechp closed 7 years ago

hoechp commented 7 years ago

implement RoadWork/RoadBlocking example!

...and try to make sure is works correctly and with acceptable performance!

(see #23)

hoechp commented 7 years ago

It all seems to work, except for a bug with setting attribute values through applying matches:

PatternAttributes have only one 'value' for specifying an attributeMatchExpression - this is String. If attributes are set to String-values, that's ok - but we want to support Boolean, Integer, Long, Double and String as attribute-value. So I have to create an additional attribute in PatternAttributes for values to set, or change the type of the one holding the attributeMatchExpression to Object, which is the option I'll probably implement.

hoechp commented 7 years ago

It seems to run correctly with all rules. But it is very slow. I definately need to look at ways to improve performance of building the reachability graph and/or isomorphism checks and/or pattern matching.

On a minimal version of the map with just 5 pieces of road, it takes 3 seconds on my pc, yielding 192 reachability nodes. With 6 pieces of road, it takes 10 seconds on my pc, yielding 576 reachability nodes. The full example with 11 pieces of road didn't complete the calculation within 1.5h of test. I'll let it run through the night to see how long it will take.

hoechp commented 7 years ago

The original setup did take 2 hours and 20 minutes to complete, yielding 20480 nodes in the reachability graph. I think that's a lot of nodes - my isomorphism checks, rule matching and rule application should all work properly though, so I'm thinking: Was it really the correct and not near correct rules, I've used? In the original RoadworkExample using SDMLib it somewhere says, it should be 4353 'reachable states'.

hoechp commented 7 years ago

Okay, at the very least I had both signals green at the beginning, now my stats are being updated:

hoechp commented 7 years ago

If my rules ain't correct, it must be the signals.

   private void addSignalRuletoGreen1(StoryPage page, ReachabilityGraph reachabilityGraph) {
      MapPO signalControlPO = new MapPO();
      SignalPO signalsPO = signalControlPO.createSignalsPO();
      TrackPO trackPO = signalsPO.createTrackPO();
      page.addPattern(signalControlPO, false);

   private void addSignalRuletoRed(StoryPage page, ReachabilityGraph reachabilityGraph) {
      MapPO signalControlPO = new MapPO();
      SignalPO signalsPO = signalControlPO.createSignalsPO();
      TrackPO trackPO = signalsPO.createTrackPO();
      signalControlPO.createCondition(new Condition<Map>() {
         public boolean update(Map m) {
            TrackSet bidirectionaltracks = m.getBidirectionaltracks();
            for (Track track : bidirectionaltracks) {
               if (track.getCar() != null)
                  return false;
            return true;
      page.addPattern(signalControlPO, false);

As far as i understand, the green rule says "If a car is at a red signal, and the other signal is red, too => turn the signal at the car to green". The red rule, I probably implemented wrong. I now think it says "If a signal is green, and there's no car on any bidirectional track/road, turn the signal to red.". Before I had something where the green light would turn red as soon as there's no car on the signal - totally wrong. Also I had an error in the 6-pieces-of-road map...

hoechp commented 7 years ago

new stats:

The original example says 4353 and not 4352, though - I'd say "close enough", but I have to wonder, what's the difference...

Also I keep thinking about improving the performance.

hoechp commented 7 years ago
7 = 7 non empty west-going middle car states * 1 signal state
7 = 7 non empty east-going middle car states * 1 signal state
3 = 1 empty middle * 3 signal states
4 incoming eastern car states
4 incoming western car states
4 outgoing eastern car states
4 outgoing western car states

I've just calculated, how many states there could be - and it's just 4352, so I'm quite sure, that my 4352 states and not the stated 4353 are correct.

To further support this: 4353 = 3 * 1451 (prime factorization) - that makes no sense combinatorially

Note: I believe, you could adjust the rules, so one of the signals always is green and the other one is red, this would yield just (7 + 7 + 2) 4 4 4 4 = 4096 nodes and therefore be a bit quicker.

hoechp commented 7 years ago

What I especially like about my way of doing this:

private PatternGraph signalToRedPattern() {
    PatternGraph graph = new PatternGraph("signalToRedPattern");

    PatternNode signalAboutToTurnRed = new PatternNode("#{type} == 'signal' && #{pass}")
            .setPatternAttribute("+", "pass", false);

    PatternNode carAtBidirectionRoad = new PatternNode("#{type} == 'car'").setAction("!=");
    PatternNode easternRoad = new PatternNode("#{type} == 'road'").setAction("!=");
    PatternNode westernRoad = new PatternNode("#{type} == 'road'").setAction("!=");
    PatternNode bidirectionalRoad = new PatternNode("#{type} == 'road'").setAction("!=")
            .addPatternEdge("east", easternRoad)
            .addPatternEdge("west", westernRoad)
            .addPatternEdge("car", carAtBidirectionRoad);

    graph.addPatternNode(signalAboutToTurnRed, carAtBidirectionRoad, 
        easternRoad, westernRoad, bidirectionalRoad);

    return graph; 

(my 'signal turns red'-rule)

   private void addSignalRuletoRed(StoryPage page, ReachabilityGraph reachabilityGraph)

      MapPO signalControlPO = new MapPO();

      SignalPO signalsPO = signalControlPO.createSignalsPO();


      TrackPO trackPO = signalsPO.createTrackPO();


      signalControlPO.createCondition(new Condition<Map>()
         public boolean update(Map m)
            TrackSet bidirectionaltracks = m.getBidirectionaltracks();
            for (Track track : bidirectionaltracks)
               if (track.getCar() != null)
                  return false;
            return true;




      page.addPattern(signalControlPO, false);


(the 'signal turns red'-rule in SDMLib)

I think my pattern building is more intuitive