fukamachi / caveman

Lightweight web application framework for Common Lisp.
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cl-emb #3

Closed jsmpereira closed 13 years ago

jsmpereira commented 13 years ago


I'm having trouble using template tags on Caveman on .tmpl files. I'd like to include some partials using

<% @include "partial.tmpl" %>

I can embed lisp code without problem, but any @ tag results in failure to load the page.

Is this a know issue or am I doing something wrong?

Thank you in advance. Really like Clack and Caveman.

José Santos

fukamachi commented 13 years ago

Sorry late reply. I was travelling.

It seems a problem about CL-EMB. Try removing the quotes. It works on my environment.

<% @include partial.tmpl %>


jsmpereira commented 13 years ago

That's quite alright ;)

Thank you for the reply. Indeed removing the quotes works.

I'm really enjoying Caveman. Sinatra and Rack are two very nice pieces of software. It's cool to see something in Common Lisp inspired by them.

I'm hoping to be able to contribute to Clack and Caveman sometime, as I brush up on Common Lisp, cause I've been using mostly Ruby on account of my work.

Thanks again.