fukamachi / caveman

Lightweight web application framework for Common Lisp.
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why was cl-emb replaced with djula? should it be an option go make-project? #58

Closed ahungry closed 2 years ago

ahungry commented 9 years ago

I did a caveman2 site about half a year ago and it used cl-emb including custom view.lisp functions for rendering it on project generation.

I started a new one last night and see the tempting engine was changed.

What does djula offer over cl-emb?

ahungry commented 9 years ago

Excuse the typos, on mobile. Tempting = templating, darn auto correct.

Also as title says, maybe template engine could be passed to make-project call.

fukamachi commented 9 years ago

Because Djula is more promising than CL-EMB. It has modern features like template inheritance and is maintained by an active developer. Any problems with it?

ahungry commented 9 years ago

No problems, its good so far. A little bummed I spent an evening adding cl-emb compatability to emacs web-mode plug in awhile ago though! :)

-------- Original message -------- From: Eitaro Fukamachi notifications@github.com Date: 05/13/2015 1:07 AM (GMT-05:00) To: fukamachi/caveman caveman@noreply.github.com Cc: Matthew Carter m@ahungry.com Subject: Re: [caveman] why was cl-emb replaced with djula? should it be an option go make-project? (#58)

Because Djula is more promising than CL-EMB.

It has modern features like template inheritance and is maintained by an active developer.

Any problems with it?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

chuchana commented 8 years ago

The see also section on 8arrow.org/caveman still mentions cl-emb instead of djula

vindarel commented 2 years ago

The index was updated, this one can be closed.