fukamachi / caveman

Lightweight web application framework for Common Lisp.
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bug in caveman2 redirection #88

Closed aarvid closed 7 years ago

aarvid commented 7 years ago

exception.lisp line 78

(define-condition caveman-redirection (error)
  ((to :initarg :to :type string
       :reader redirection-to)
   (code :initarg :status :type integer :initform 302
         :reader redirection-code)))

(defun redirect (url &optional (code 302))
  (error 'caveman-redirection :to url :code code))

initarg keyword of code is :status but it is called with keyword :code. This causes an error in ccl but for some reason not in sbcl.

fukamachi commented 7 years ago

Merged #89.