fukamachi / lack

Lack, the core of Clack
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Same Issue as in #84 still persists #93

Closed nerap528 closed 2 months ago

nerap528 commented 2 months ago

The error described in issue #84 still persists on different systems. `The value -1 is not of type (UNSIGNED-BYTE 64) [Condition of type TYPE-ERROR]

Restarts: 0: [ABORT] abort thread (#<THREAD "hunchentoot-worker-" RUNNING {1003991ED3}>)

Backtrace: 0: (CL-ISAAC:RAND64 #S(CL-ISAAC:ISAAC64-CTX :RANDCNT 0 :RANDRSL #(11765768399845579605 13599022206707435575 11164147462468693029 5479293572085768392 8816757518368503976 80$ Locals: CTX = #S(CL-ISAAC:ISAAC64-CTX ..) 1: (CL-ISAAC:RAND-BITS-64 #S(CL-ISAAC:ISAAC64-CTX :RANDCNT 0 :RANDRSL #(11765768399845579605 13599022206707435575 11164147462468693029 5479293572085768392 8816757518368503$ Locals: CTX = #S(CL-ISAAC:ISAAC64-CTX ..) N = 160 2: (LACK.UTIL:GENERATE-RANDOM-ID) `

This example is from a Ubuntu 24.04 LTS server. My current workaround is to quickload ironclad at the very top of the .asd file of any project that uses lack-middleware-session and removing all reader-conditionals from #'lack.util:generate-random-id in order to always use ironclad.

fukamachi commented 2 months ago

What version, or where did you get Lack from? The issue was fixed in February, but Quicklisp has not released a new dist since last October. I want to make sure you're using the latest version.

nerap528 commented 2 months ago

Version 0.2.0 is used. I cloned the version 0.3.0 from git into a third-party directory inside my projects root and did a (ql:register-local-projects) for now. I hope the quicklisp version is updated eventually.

Thanks for the reply.

nerap528 commented 2 months ago
