ful1e5 / Bibata_Cursor

Open source, compact, and material designed cursor set.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How to build from scrach #99

Closed neur1n closed 3 years ago

neur1n commented 3 years ago

Description of the problem

I'm trying to build Bibata from scratch in order to have different cursor size than the default one, using WSL2 (Ubuntu 20.04) on Windows 10. But neither running make nor python3 build.py works.

How has this issue affected you? What are you trying to accomplish?

I couldn't finish the build.

Logs or Screenshots: (optional)

image image

Your Environment

Software Name/Version
WSL 2 Ubuntu 20.04


ful1e5 commented 3 years ago

Bibata builder raising FIleNotFoundError exception for bitmaps. First, you need bitmaps for building Bibata from the ground up. You should generate bitmaps from .svg files. For that, you should have node.js & yarn installed on the WSL system or you should skip this step by downloading the latest bitmaps.zip archive from the GitHub Release page. Here are both build procedures.

Make sure you are in the project root before building bibata.

Build From Scratch

Build & Customize `Unix Cursors Only

make unix X_SIZES=22 24 32      # Multiple sizes are provided with  ' '(Space)

Build & Customize Windows Cursors Only

make windows WIN_SIZE=48

Build with Skip method (recommended)


# Download the latest bitmaps.zip 
curl -L -o bitmaps.zip https://github.com/ful1e5/Bibata_Cursor/releases/download/v1.1.1/bitmaps.zip

# extract archive
rm -rf bitmaps && unzip bitmaps.zip -d bitmaps

build & customize for Unix Only

cd builder
make build_unix X_SIZES=22 24 32      # Multiple sizes are provided with  ' '(Space)

build & customize for Windows Only

cd builder
make build_windows WIN_SIZE=48

After executing these commands themes directory would be created at the project root. If Bibata builder raises any symlink exception, Remove the themes directory from the project root and give it a try again.

neur1n commented 3 years ago

It works! Thanks a lot!