Closed TeamEV closed 4 years ago
Would you be able to post a runnable, stripped-down demonstration of the bug or steps to reproduce the error? Would really appreciate it because the time saved reproducing will be time spent fixing.
You can use the example project as a starting point:
ng version:
Angular CLI: 10.1.7 Node: 12.18.4 OS: win32 x64
Angular: 10.1.6 ... animations, common, compiler, compiler-cli, core, forms ... platform-browser, platform-browser-dynamic, router Ivy Workspace: Yes
Package Version
@angular-devkit/architect 0.1001.7 @angular-devkit/build-angular 0.1002.0 @angular-devkit/core 10.1.7 @angular-devkit/schematics 10.1.7 @angular/cdk 10.2.5 @angular/cli 10.1.7 @angular/material 10.2.5 @schematics/angular 10.1.7 @schematics/update 0.1001.7 rxjs 6.6.3 typescript 4.0.3
"dependencies": { "@angular/animations": "~10.1.3", "@angular/cdk": "^10.2.5", "@angular/common": "~10.1.3", "@angular/compiler": "~10.1.3", "@angular/core": "~10.1.3", "@angular/forms": "~10.1.3", "@angular/material": "^10.2.5", "@angular/platform-browser": "^10.1.6", "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic": "~10.1.3", "@angular/router": "~10.1.3", "@fullcalendar/angular": "^5.3.1", "@fullcalendar/core": "^5.3.1", "@fullcalendar/daygrid": "^5.3.2", "@fullcalendar/interaction": "^5.3.1", "@fullcalendar/timegrid": "^5.3.1", "rxjs": "~6.6.0", "tslib": "^2.0.0", "zone.js": "~0.10.2" },
After installing the fullcalendar packages and importing them into the app.module.ts stated by the documentation. I retrieve the following error after running ng serve:
Already tried adding ""postinstall": "ngcc"" in package.json and reinstalling but same error.
Advice is appreciated.