fullcalendar / fullcalendar-react

The official React Component for FullCalendar
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How can I scroll to hours in timeGridWeek #147

Closed fox19960910 closed 3 years ago

fox19960910 commented 3 years ago

import interactionPlugin from '@fullcalendar/interaction' import timeGridPlugin from '@fullcalendar/timegrid' import momentTimezonePlugin from '@fullcalendar/moment-timezone'

<FullCalendar id="calendar" plugins={[interactionPlugin, timeGridPlugin, momentTimezonePlugin]} initialView='timeGridWeek' defaultView='timeGridWeek' nowIndicator={true} timeZone='local' editable={true} events={calendar} eventClick={this.handleEventClick} locale={this.getNation()} allDayText={formatMessage({id: 'common.txt.calendar.allDay'})} buttonText={ {today: formatMessage({id: 'common.txt.calendar.today'})} } allDaySlot= {false} dayHeaderContent= {(args) => { return moment(args.date).format('ddd DD') }} scrollTime= '7:00:00' />

This is my fullCalendar Component,

  1. this component render different HTML between chrome and firefox ( head and body part)
  2. I cannot fix the head of the table ( I have to use CSS overite to do it)
  3. I dying with scrollTime feature, I cannot use scrollTime, firstHour, event use javascript ( it work fine on PC but not working on Mobile)

Please help !

acerix commented 3 years ago

If this is a question, please refer to the support page and use Stack Overflow for help. If this is a bug, please supply a runnable, stripped-down demonstration.