After updating background color in resource array component is not re-rendering and background color is not
updating. is there any way to force update calendar or resourceLabelUpdate method or anything ?
I am updating color by resourceLabelDidMount
* Resource component **
function resourceGroupLabelContent(info) {
// console.log(info)
After updating background color in resource array component is not re-rendering and background color is not updating. is there any way to force update calendar or resourceLabelUpdate method or anything ? I am updating color by resourceLabelDidMount * Resource component ** function resourceGroupLabelContent(info) { // console.log(info)
} React component <FullCalendar schedulerLicenseKey={FULL_CALENDAR_KEY} ref={this.calendarRef} plugins={[resourceTimeGridPlugin, resourceTimelinePlugin,scrollGridPlugin]} initialView='resourceTimelineDay' resources={this.state?.resources || []} events={this.state?.events} eventContent={Event} resourceLabelContent={Resource}
height={'70vh'} slotLabelFormat={{ hour: 'numeric', minute: '2-digit', omitZeroMinute: true, meridiem: 'long' }} // contentHeight={'auto'} // slotLabelInterval={30} // width={'90vw'}