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Full-sized drag & drop event calendar in JavaScript
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highlight cells on hover #4816

Open nkostadinov opened 8 years ago

nkostadinov commented 8 years ago

Is it possible to highlight current cell in Timeline view while mouse is passing over them and display some sort of hint like a plus sign '+' to hint the user that clicking the cell will add an event.

arshaw commented 8 years ago

hello, that is currently not possible, but would you be able to post a visual mockup of what you are talking about? I'm particularly interested in where the + will be positioned within the selection rectangle, and that is it guaranteed to be seen in all scenarios.

sboele commented 8 years ago

We build this in an older version of fullcalendar where we added resource columns functionality ourselves. It looked like this:

highlight cell

dayClick: function (date, jsEvent, view, resource) {
    if (!$(jsEvent.target).parents('div').hasClass("addappointment")) {
        // remove all previous addappointment elements

        // render new element to open popup
        $(jsEvent.target).append($("<div class='addappointment'><div><span class='fa fa-plus'></span><spanAdd appointment</span></div></div>").click(function () {
            // remove all previous addappointment elements

            var resourceitem;
            if (resource) {
                resourceitem = getObjectByGuid(pageVM.resourceItems, resource.id);

            // open appointment popup
            window.location = "#addappointment";

But after updating to the latest version of fullcalendar with resource support it hilights the complete row. We didn't dive into it yet to fix it. Probably the html structure changed a bit.

nkostadinov commented 8 years ago

I want to create something like this: image

The problem really is the HTML generated by fullcalendar. It doesn't have well defined "cells" but crossing rows and columns which makes it hard to implement. I'm currently looking at the cell selection feature and trying to implement something similar, another way would be to create some sort of "temporary" event when the mouse is over the cell and the delete it on mouse leave.

pixel9 commented 8 years ago

I'm in a similar situation where I need to style a specific cell on hover using the scheduler. My UI requirements are very similar to the mockup by @nkostadinov.

I need to insert a new event for a specific date for a particular resource but haven't found a way to highlight a single cell to indicate to the user where the new event will be placed. I can highlight the entire row via CSS, but the selection is more specific so I've resorted to no UI feedback for now which is less than ideal.

arshaw commented 8 years ago

this is probably something that should be implemented in the core, so non-resource views can take advantage as well.

sboele commented 8 years ago

Can we make it not just hover but also selecting a single cell and adding event handlers to it? Click events etc. for example?

arshaw commented 8 years ago

@sboele, having unlimited control over this area is a bit difficult because, as you pointed out, they are no discreet DOM nodes. This is done for optimization reasons.

If you would like to accept click nodes on the slots, use dayClick: http://fullcalendar.io/docs/mouse/dayClick/

If you want unlimited arbitrary control over mouse events, please subscribe to this issue: https://github.com/fullcalendar/fullcalendar/issues/2718

harveynguyen commented 8 years ago

This is also my issue, you can use "dayRender" to customize day cell and "mouseenter" or "mouseleave" for customizing css.

References: http://fullcalendar.io/docs/display/dayRender/

arshaw commented 8 years ago

same issue in core: https://github.com/fullcalendar/fullcalendar/issues/2513

nicmar commented 8 years ago

I wanted to show the current time for the slot i was hovering, and also possibly change color, and I found this to be a good start. There are some side effects and currently only works in AgendaWeek, so any feedback would be great. Hope it helps someone!

                    $(this).append('<td class="temp-cell" style="border: 0px; width:'+(Number($('.fc-day').width())+3)+'px"></td>');

                        $(this).html('<div class=current-time>'+$(this).parent().parent().data('time').substring(0,5)+'</div>');

Based on: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10056107/jquery-fullcalendar-event-timeslot-hover-method

jeremymcminn commented 7 years ago

Any update on this?

Vpet95 commented 7 years ago


gregblass commented 7 years ago

+1, very surprised to see that this isn't possible

espen commented 7 years ago

Comments such as +1 or “when will this be ready” will not only receive a penalty in the ranking system, they will spam other watchers of the thread

Srinivas-Alle commented 7 years ago

any update on this.

In timeline view, I want to show bootstrap popover for the slot which got clicked.

mikewagz commented 7 years ago

+1 This would be a great UX improvement

d3v97 commented 7 years ago

I have found the solution to do it like nkostadinov

Understand how the fullcalender renders the component Each row has : <div class="fc-row fc-week fc-widget-content fc-rigid" > a) <div class="fc-bg"> : the back part of the calender b) <div class="fc-content-skeleton"> : The front part of the calender

The soultion is to add an extra tr and append it to the index of the row and the index of the day. And everytime the user hovers another tr, just remove it and append it again to the new one.

How to do this :

1) add disabled class to past dates use dayRender method of fullcalendar

dayRender: function(date, cell){
    if (moment(date).format('x') < moment().subtract(1,'days').format('x')){

2) We have to target multiple classes on mouseenter, When you hover on a day block, F12 tools will tell you what fc-day, day-block, fc-day-top classes mean. They are basically the sub elements inside the day.

$(document).on('mouseenter', '.fc-day:not(.disabled), .day-block, .fc-day-top:not(.fc-past), .not-this-one', function(e) {
//Add button on hovering of the day
var container = $(this).parents().closest('.fc-bg').siblings('.fc-content-skeleton').find('table>tbody');

if(container.html() == undefined){
    //Since we are targeting multiple classes above on mousenter lets search the container in a different position
    container = $(this).parents().closest('table').last().children('tbody');
//Clear out any add button

//Start building html content for add button
var content = '<tr id="add-btn">', td = '';

//Add not-this-one class for days which are not the selected date
for (var i = 0; i < $(this).index(); i++) {
    td = td + '<td class="not-this-one"></td>';

var contentText = '<td class="fc-event-container"><a class="whatever" onclick="doWhatever()"> ADD BTN HERE</a></td>';

content = content + td + contentText;

//Add not-this-one class for other cells
if($(this).index() < 6 && $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getView').type !== 'basicDay'){
    for (var i = $(this).index(); i < 6; i++) {
        content = content + '<td class="not-this-one"></td>';

content = content + '</tr>';

Conclusion This is basically it. You should be able to get add button on hover. Just remember to target the basic elements on mouseenter. Find out what is where and then append the extra <tr> with <td class="whatever"> for siblings for the date you don't want selected and <td class="fc-event-container"> For the date you want. You should be able to customize based on this guide.

IRCraziestTaxi commented 7 years ago

Is there really not a way to render things in the fc-content-skeleton rather than fc-bg with dayRender so that hacky workarounds aren't needed? Seems so unnecessarily restricting.

gregblass commented 7 years ago

@IRCraziestTaxi - If there was a simple way to do that, the software creator/maintainers would have done it already. So yes, unfortunately, sometimes with software things are more difficult than you'd expect. They might seem simple as a feature, but that does not equal simplicity from a code/engineering standpoint.

No one sat down one day and thought, "I'm going to engineer this in a way that is unnecessarily restricting if the user wants to have the cells highlight on hover."

This is an open source library. People aren't getting paid to maintain it, so keep that in mind.

tdr2d commented 6 years ago

@nicmar I adapted your solution to add a hover button.

var cellSize = {
    width: $('.fc-day').width() + 2, // count border pixels
    heigth: $('.fc-slats > table > tbody > tr').height() - 1
var tmpCellCss = [
    'border: 0px',
    'width:' + (cellSize.width) + 'px',
    'height:' + (cellSize.heigth) + 'px',

var hoverCss= [
    'width:' + (cellSize.width - 6*2) + 'px', // 3px padding left, 3px padding right
    'height:' + (cellSize.heigth - 4) + 'px', // 2px padding top, 2px padding bottom
    'line-height:' + (cellSize.heigth - 4) + 'px' // center text vertically
var hoverHtml = '<div class="hover-button" style="'+ hoverCss +'">+</div>';

    if (!$(this).html()){
        for(var i = 0; i < 7; i++){
            $(this).append('<td class="temp-cell" style="'+tmpCellCss+'"></td>');

}, function(){

don't forget the css

      background-color: rgba(20, 20, 20, 0.10);
      border-radius: 3px;
      color: #9B9B9B;
      position: relative;
      top: 2px;
      left: 5px;
      font-size: 36px;
      cursor: pointer;

screen shot 2018-05-28 at 18 12 21

I hope it helps. PS: this only works on the week view and the day view

Aca-jov commented 6 years ago

Previous solution doesn't work well on day view, here is complete solution for week and day view:

eventAfterAllRender: function () {
    $('.fc-widget-content').unbind('mouseenter mouseleave');
    $('.fc-widget-content').hover(function () {
        if (!$(this).html()) {
            var slots = $('.fc-day');
            for (i = 0; i < slots.length; i++) {
                $(this).append('<td class="temp-cell" style="border: 0px; width:' + (Number(slots.width()) + 3) + 'px"></td>');

            $(this).children('td').each(function () {
                 $(this).hover(function () {
                     $(this).html('<div class="current-time" style="padding-left: 5px">' + $(this).parent().parent().data('time').substring(0, 5) + '</div>');
                 }, function () {
     }, function () {

And css:

.current-time {
    background-color: rgba(20, 20, 20, 0.10);
    border-radius: 3px;
    color: #9B9B9B;
    position: relative;
    top: 2px;
    cursor: pointer;

This is for showing selected time on calendar.

michaeljsalo commented 5 years ago

There are some valiant attempts on this thread, but I haven't found anything that works well enough to use. @Thomas-Webber's version is close but I find it fires inconsistently, and misses certain time slots altogether. @Aca-jov's version may be more consistent, but it's splitting each time slot into two separate hover states. The 'slots' count seems to be double the number of columns in view. I wonder if this feature will be any easier in v4.

mahjnalisha commented 5 years ago

Any updates on this feature?

mitomm commented 5 years ago

Based on what @nicmar suggested, I updated his code to also work in day/resource view.

Until now it works flawlessly on my side and I can't identify any drawbacks.

                var cellWidth = $('.fc-day').width();
                var columnCount = $(".fc-widget-header.fc-row thead tr").children().length-1;
                        $(this).append('<td class="temp-cell" style="border:0; width:'+(cellWidth+1)+'px"></td>');
                            $(this).html('<div class="current-time text-center">'+$(this).parent().parent().data('time').substring(0,5)+'</div>');
Invincibear commented 5 years ago

For anybody else who comes here from a Google search, I was able to achieve this in the monthly view with the following code using FullCalendar v4.0. https://fullcalendar.io/docs/dayRender

        dayRender: function (info) {
            console.group('dayRender(info) called', info);

            var element     = info.el;
            var currentDate = new moment(info.date).format('YYYY-MM-DD');
            var hoverDivs   =
                '<div class="fc-day-hover-container">' +
                '   <div class="fc-day-hover-button"><i class="far fa-calendar-plus"></i></div>' +
                '   <div class="fc-day-hover-helper"></div>' +

            // Change background of a date cell upon hover and add a centralized "+" icon
            $('td').find('[data-date="' + currentDate + '"]').hover(function () {
                console.warn('find [data-date="' + currentDate + '"]', currentDate, $(element));

                $('td [data-date="' + currentDate + '"]').addClass('fc-day-hover'); // Monthly view
            }, function() {
                $('[data-date="' + currentDate + '"]').removeClass('fc-day-hover');



#fcYearly .fc-day-hover { /* triggered when hovering over calendar date cells */
    background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .05);
    #fcYearly .fc-day-hover .fc-day-hover-container {
        background-color:   rgba(20, 20, 20, 0.10);
        width:              100%;
        height:             100%;
        border-radius:      1rem;
        color:              #9B9B9B;
        font-size:          20pt;
        cursor:             pointer;
        text-align:         center;
        #fcYearly .fc-day-hover .fc-day-hover-container .fc-day-hover-button {
            display:        inline-block;
            text-align:     center;
            vertical-align: middle;
            white-space:    normal;
            padding-left:   5px;
        #fcYearly .fc-day-hover .fc-day-hover-container .fc-day-hover-helper {
            display:        inline-block;
            vertical-align: middle;
            height:         100%;
jgujgu commented 4 years ago

Is there a tentative idea of when this will be added?

mahjnalisha commented 4 years ago
var clickelement={};
$(document).on('mouseenter mouseleave', '#calendar  .fc-day-grid-event tr td:not(.fc-event-container)', function(e) {
//Add button on hovering of the day
    var container = $(this);
    if(container.html() == undefined){
        //Since we are targeting multiple classes above on mousenter lets search the container in a different position
        container = $(this).parents().closest('table').last().children('tbody');
//Clear out any add button
    var dayIndex=$(this).context.cellIndex; 
//or use the one below for geting the dayindex
 //var dayIndex= this.cellIndex;
    var row = $(this).closest(".fc-row");
    // Get this date
    var vdate = row.find('.fc-day').eq(dayIndex).attr('data-date');
//Start building html content for add button
    var content = '<div id="add-btn" class="temp">', td = ''
    var contentText = '<a class="addevents" data-date="'+ vdate+ '"> <i class="fa fa-plus"></i></a>';
    content = content + td + contentText;
    content = content + '</tr>';

You can do something like this

almah7 commented 4 years ago

This is for V4 and day time grid view:


        mouseenter: function() {

            var cellWidth = $('th.fc-day-header').width();
            var cellHeight=$(this).height();

            var columnCount = $('thead.fc-head th.fc-day-header').children().length;         



                    $(this).append('<td class="temp-cell" style="border:0px; height:'+(cellHeight-1)+'px;width:'+(cellWidth+1)+'px"></td>');
                       $(this).html('<div class="current-time"></div>');
                     //   $(this).html('<div class="current-time">'+$(this).parent().parent().data('time').substring(0,5)+'</div>');





    }, 'div.fc-slats td.fc-widget-content:not(.fc-axis)');
almah7 commented 4 years ago

And this one is for V5 and day time grid view: ` $(document).on({

    mouseenter: function() {

        //var cellWidth = $('th.fc-day-header').width();
        var cellWidth = $('th.fc-col-header-cell').width();
        var cellHeight=$(this).height();

        var columnCount = $('thead table.fc-col-header th.fc-col-header-cell').children().length;        



                $(this).append('<td class="temp-cell" style="border:0px; height:'+(cellHeight-1)+'px;width:'+(cellWidth+1)+'px"></td>');
                   $(this).html('<div class="current-time"></div>');




}, 'td.fc-timegrid-slot.fc-timegrid-slot-lane');`
farhansaqib444 commented 3 years ago

Hover effect on single cell in fullcalender.io => not for all columns in single row

is there any solution to highlight just single slot. Event DOM structure also have a single for all columns slots in single row (might be due to optimization reasons ). I've attached the image of my project. there is single td for all members and same merged hover effect.!!



[Jeder Alle(https://www.jederalle.com/)

almah7 commented 3 years ago

I had this same issue when I was using my V4.5 code above with V5. Make sure you pay attention to the versions in my posts.

mperktold commented 3 years ago

I need something similar. I was hoping I could attach listeners to single empty cells, but I can understand that those empty cells are optimized away. Thanks for all the provided workarounds, I will try those.

In the meantime, here is an idea to make this easier: What if there was a function which takes a position on the screen and returns the corresponding calendar data, like date, time, and optionally resource? That way, we could use a global mousemove event listener, in which we use this function to determine where the mouse is to perform our logic there. To change the DOM of the corresponding cell, probably some kind of handle or callback would be needed as well.

Something like this:

document.mousemove(e => {
  const { start, end, resource, domHandle } = calendar.getCellHandleAt(e.x, e.y);

Essentially, getCellHandleAt would abstract away the logic presented by the various workarounds. This would reduce the work of library users to implement it themselves, and also to maintain it with newer versions.

scottrotton commented 3 years ago

Im also surprised to find this isn't available out of the box, we are after the time to be highlighted in a single cell/column on hover, it included in many web calendars. Cant see it still in v5?

lehaiquantb commented 3 years ago


t-poeschl commented 3 years ago


cangec commented 2 years ago


cburns2017 commented 2 years ago

Need this feature as well. +1

JakeGaliano commented 2 years ago


DylanDelobel commented 2 years ago

Here is my solution on v5 for timeGridWeek and timeGridDay

    mouseenter: function() {
        let cellWidth = $('th.fc-col-header-cell').width();
        let cellHeight = $(this).height();
        let columnCount = $('thead table.fc-col-header th.fc-col-header-cell').children().length;

        if (!$(this).html()) {
            for (var i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                $(this).append('<td class="temp-cell" style="border:0px; height:' + (cellHeight - 1) + 'px;width:' + (cellWidth + 3) + 'px"></td>');
        $(this).children('td').each(function() {
            $(this).hover(function() {
                let dtime = $(this).parent().data('time').slice(0, -3);
                $(this).html('<div class="current-time">' + dtime + '</div>');
            }, function() {


    mouseleave: function() {

}, 'td.fc-timegrid-slot.fc-timegrid-slot-lane');

With the following style

.current-time {
    background-color: rgba(20, 20, 20, 0.10);
    color: #181818;
    position: relative;
    cursor: pointer;
    padding-right: 5px;
    text-align: right;

That end up like that :) image

t-poeschl commented 2 years ago

Here is my solution on v5 for timeGridWeek and timeGridDay

    mouseenter: function() {
        let cellWidth = $('th.fc-col-header-cell').width();
        let cellHeight = $(this).height();
        let columnCount = $('thead table.fc-col-header th.fc-col-header-cell').children().length;

        if (!$(this).html()) {
            for (var i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                $(this).append('<td class="temp-cell" style="border:0px; height:' + (cellHeight - 1) + 'px;width:' + (cellWidth + 3) + 'px"></td>');
        $(this).children('td').each(function() {
            $(this).hover(function() {
                let dtime = $(this).parent().data('time').slice(0, -3);
                $(this).html('<div class="current-time">' + dtime + '</div>');
            }, function() {


    mouseleave: function() {

}, 'td.fc-timegrid-slot.fc-timegrid-slot-lane');

With the following style

.current-time {
    background-color: rgba(20, 20, 20, 0.10);
    color: #181818;
    position: relative;
    cursor: pointer;
    padding-right: 5px;
    text-align: right;

That end up like that :) image

Did you have an idea, how this can work with resources?

DylanDelobel commented 2 years ago

@t-poeschl What do you mean by ressources?

I have a custom view with 5 ressources (resourceTimeGridDay) and that work fine image

xplsek03 commented 2 years ago

Here is my solution on v5 for timeGridWeek and timeGridDay

    mouseenter: function() {
        let cellWidth = $('th.fc-col-header-cell').width();
        let cellHeight = $(this).height();
        let columnCount = $('thead table.fc-col-header th.fc-col-header-cell').children().length;

        if (!$(this).html()) {
            for (var i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                $(this).append('<td class="temp-cell" style="border:0px; height:' + (cellHeight - 1) + 'px;width:' + (cellWidth + 3) + 'px"></td>');
        $(this).children('td').each(function() {
            $(this).hover(function() {
                let dtime = $(this).parent().data('time').slice(0, -3);
                $(this).html('<div class="current-time">' + dtime + '</div>');
            }, function() {


    mouseleave: function() {

}, 'td.fc-timegrid-slot.fc-timegrid-slot-lane');

With the following style

.current-time {
    background-color: rgba(20, 20, 20, 0.10);
    color: #181818;
    position: relative;
    cursor: pointer;
    padding-right: 5px;
    text-align: right;

That end up like that :) image

For v5 I use this updated version which prevents adding events in the past, not very clean but it works allright.

    mouseenter: function() {
        let cellWidth = $('th.fc-col-header-cell').width();
        let cellHeight = $(this).height();
        let columnCount = $('table.fc-col-header th.fc-col-header-cell').children().length;
        if (!$(this).html()) {
            for (var i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                $(this).append('<td class="temp-cell" style="border:0px; height:' + (cellHeight ) + 'px;width:' + (cellWidth + 3) + 'px"></td>');
        $(this).children('td').each(function() {
            $(this).hover(function() {
                // pokud vubec nema datum ve sloupci, neukazuj
                coldate = $('table.fc-col-header th.fc-col-header-cell').eq($(this).index()).data('date');
                if (coldate) {

                    // hodina
                    let dtime = $(this).parent().data('time').slice(0, -3).split(":");

                    coldate_split = coldate.split("-");
                    d = new Date(coldate_split[0], coldate_split[1]-1, coldate_split[2], dtime[0], dtime[1]);
                    now = new Date();

                    // pokud je to novejsi
                    if (d > now) {
                        $(this).html('<div class="current-time">+ Vytvorit</div>');
            }, function() {
    mouseleave: function() {
}, 'td.fc-timegrid-slot.fc-timegrid-slot-lane');
sseemmiin commented 1 year ago

any update?

splintor commented 1 year ago

I was able to achieve this in our resource-timeline grid using the resourceLaneDidMount hook, so when a resource lane is added to the grid, we add additional cells that highlight on hover.


<FullCalendar resourceLaneDidMount={({ el }) => {
  const cellHoverElementsContainer = document.createElement('div');
  cellHoverElementsContainer.className = 'cell-hover-elements-container';
  for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) {



.cell-hover-elements-container {
  position: absolute;
  z-index: 1;
  top: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  display: flex;

  > div {
    flex: 1;
    margin: 1px;

    &:hover {
      background-color: $cell-hover-background;
kevit-manish-andodariya commented 1 year ago

@splintor Thanks man, Your solution works for me

Here I'm sharing my solution which plays with multiple views in fullcalendar. I used useEffect hook because with resourceLaneDidMount it just rendered first time for my solution, After changing views it doesn't worked for me.


useEffect(() => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      document.querySelectorAll('.fc-timeline-lane-frame')?.forEach((e) => {
        if (e) {
          const cellHoverElementsContainer = document.createElement('div');
          cellHoverElementsContainer.className = 'cell-hover-elements-container';
          const count = currentView === 'resourceTimelineWeek' ? 7 : 24;
          for (let i = 0; i < count; i += 1) {
    }, [1000]);
  }, [//Your dependencies here]);


.cell-hover-elements-container {
  position: absolute;
  z-index: 1;
  top: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  display: flex;

  > div {
    flex: 1;
    margin: 1px;

    &:hover::after {
      content: "+";
      display: flex;
      width: 100%;
      height: 100%;
      align-items: center;
      justify-content: center;
      font-size: $title;
      color: $text-secondary-color;
      cursor: pointer;
      background-color: $main-bg-color;


splintor commented 1 year ago

@kevit-manish-andodariya Thanks for the update. I have two comments:

  1. Why do you pass an array ([1000]) as the second parameter of setTimeout? I checked and it works, but it is strange. Why not just pass a number (1000).
  2. instead of using useEffect and setTimeout, you can use MutationObserver and get notified whenever a node is created in your FullCalendar.
vgavrilovikj commented 1 year ago

Why is there still no such feature to easily implement this, as it appears it's useful for all of us and everyone would like to display X/Y/Z on hover...? Should be allowed for any framework though @arshaw

sseemmiin commented 7 months ago
스크린샷 2024-02-27 오후 2 49 13

I made custom hover events for display hover time

vgavrilovikj commented 7 months ago

could you show the code?

u11d-michal-miler commented 4 months ago

Hey, we use resourceTimeGridDay view and we decided to use the following simple code to add background color on a slot hover. We also show content (time) on hover event. Resources are used as columns so resources.length div elements are created; alternatively, const values (e.g. 7 days - week view, 24 hours - day view)) may be use instead - depending on use case. This POC code have been written in JSX/React and it should be updated according to your project-specific coding rules and patterns.

  slotLaneContent={(args) => (
    <div style={{ display: 'flex', width: '100%' }}>
      {resources.map((resource) => (
        <div className="slot-cell" key={resource.id}>
          {args.date?.toLocaleTimeString(undefined, { timeStyle: 'short' })}
.slot-cell {
  flex: 1;
  text-align: center;
  opacity: 0;

  &:hover {
    background: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.2);
    cursor: pointer;
    opacity: 1;
