fulldecent / corelocationcli

Command line program to print location information from CoreLocation
MIT License
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Can't grant location permissions on MacOs 14 (Sonoma) #50

Open jedberg opened 1 year ago

jedberg commented 1 year ago

I just upgraded to MacOs Sonoma 14.0 Beta (23A5286i). I've been running corelocationCli for many years, and usually when I upgrade OSs I have to reinstall it using Brew. However this time was different.

At first it actually worked just fine for a day. Then it stopped working, and I was getting "The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCLErrorDomain error 0.)" despite wifi being on.

In an attempt to fix the issue, I did my usual of running 'brew reinstall --cask corelocationcli' (so I have the latest version as of 7/18/2023)

Now I'm getting "Location services are disabled or location access denied. Please visit System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Location Services"

However, Location services are on. But also, CoreLocationCLI is no longer in the list of things I can enable.


lovelace commented 1 year ago

I see the same issue on 13.5.1. 2023 MacBook Pro, M2Max

kamidev commented 1 year ago

Same issue on 13.5.2. 2023 M2 Max.

bahman777 commented 9 months ago

This issue persists on 14.1.1 unfortunately - cannot get location.

jeolsen commented 9 months ago

Same issue on 14.1.2

PTac-h commented 8 months ago

same issue on macOS Sonoma 14.2.1

PTac-h commented 8 months ago

Trying to compile source code didn't change anything. I will try to follow this workaround and see if it does anything.


Impossible for me to replace the /var/db/locationd/clients.plist file (operation not permited even through a sudo su shell) After getting into recovery mode to get a superuser shell, and replacing the file, it was automatically rolled back to original after a reboot. Maybe did something wrong with my clients.plist file ?...


I found a workaround using applescripting:

Implement core CLLocationManager module, ask for location rights, querry the location of the device once () and compile the script to an app with File > Export. You now have your MyApp.app. From there, run your app a first time, grant access to location, and from a terminal call /myapp.app/Contents/MacOS/applet to get your lat/long printed out

FormalSnake commented 7 months ago

Could you please provide me with the AppleScript?

PTac-h commented 6 months ago

Could you please provide me with the AppleScript?

Sorry for the delayed response, Here`s the apple script that I found here.

You need to export it with the App format, then launch it a first time as an app, and allow it to access your location. From here, you can use the embedded script through your terminal (.../yourapp.app/Contents/MacOS/applet)

Note that it outputs your coordinates through an error that you can filter using regex.

use framework "CoreLocation"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

property this : a reference to the current application
property nil : a reference to missing value
property _1 : a reference to reference

property CLLocationManager : a reference to CLLocationManager of this
property kCLLocationAccuracyBest : a reference to 3000.0
property running : false
property result : missing value -- Lat./long. or error description
property number : 0 -- Error code
property seconds : 10 -- Maximum time to allow script to run
my performSelectorOnMainThread:"getLocation" withObject:nil waitUntilDone:true
return my result
to getLocation()
    set locationManager to CLLocationManager's new()

    locationManager's setDelegate:me
    locationManager's setDesiredAccuracy:kCLLocationAccuracyBest

    set my running to true
    set started to current date

    locationManager's startUpdatingLocation()

    repeat while my running
        delay 0.5
        if (current date) - started > my seconds then exit repeat
    end repeat
end getLocation

on locationManager:locationManager didUpdateLocations:locations
    local locationManager, locations

    locationManager's stopUpdatingLocation()

    set my running to false
    set my result to (locations's valueForKey:"coordinate") as record
    set coordinateText to "{" & quoted form of ("latitude:" & (my result's latitude) & ", longitude:" & (my result's longitude)) & "}"
    do shell script "echo " & coordinateText

end locationManager:didUpdateLocations:

on locationManager:locationManager didFailWithError:err
    local locationManager, err

    tell err's code()
        set my number to it
        set my result to item (it + 1) in my enum's kCLError
        set my running to false
    end tell
end locationManager:didFailWithError:

script enum
    property kCLError : {¬
        "Location Unknown", ¬
        "Denied", ¬
        "Network", ¬
        "Heading Failure", ¬
        "Region Monitoring Denied", ¬
        "Region Monitoring Failure", ¬
        "Region Monitoring Setup Delayed", ¬
        "Region Monitoring Response Delayed", ¬
        "Geocode Found No Result", ¬
        "Geocode Found Partial Result", ¬
        "Geocode Canceled", ¬
        "Deferred Failed", ¬
        "Deferred Not Updating Location", ¬
        "Deferred Accuracy Too Low", ¬
        "Deferred Distance Filtered", ¬
        "Deferred Canceled", ¬
        "Ranging Unavailable", ¬
        "Ranging Failure"}
    property CLAuthorizationStatus : {¬
        "Not Determined", ¬
        "Restricted", ¬
        "Denied", ¬
        "Authorized (Always)", ¬
        "Authorized When In Use"}
end script
Capture d’écran 2024-03-05 à 22 04 57
realityexpander commented 5 months ago

I tried your script approach, and the best I can get after reviewing all your instructions is "Denied"

This seems like a major issue for Apple developers... is it even possible to get the Location from a CLI? Does there need to be a application server setup to accept and run in the background the only way to access the Location API now?

Foxtrod89 commented 4 months ago

I tried your script approach, and the best I can get after reviewing all your instructions is "Denied"

This seems like a major issue for Apple developers... is it even possible to get the Location from a CLI? Does there need to be a application server setup to accept and run in the background the only way to access the Location API now?

Make sure you set keys Authorized, Whitelisted for /usr/local/Caskroom/corelocationcli/4.0.2/CoreLocationCLI record. With this danger in mind I finally made it work on my Sonoma 14.3.1, service isn't listed in location services though 🤔

realityexpander commented 4 months ago

Instead of hacking, I am suggesting that my users install this command-line accessible tool:


jbrepogmailcom commented 3 months ago

Instead of hacking, I am suggesting that my users install this command-line accessible tool:


Hi. And how do you set up location with your tool? My understanding it is just for quering various types of info from location API, but not for setting location.

varenc commented 3 months ago

You need to export it with the App format, then launch it a first time as an app, and allow it to access your location. From here, you can use the embedded script through your terminal (.../yourapp.app/Contents/MacOS/applet)

@PTac-h This script works great and taught me some things about AppleScript but I'm stuck on actually getting the location output in a useful format.

When I run that in the Script Editor I get the coordinates, and when I run the .app directly from Finder I can authorize the app and see that it works. I can run getLocation.app/Contents/MacOS/applet without a permission error... but the trouble is that running it in that way produces no output! I can't get any log "..." lines to appear in stdout/stderr when running the .app.

My current janky workaround is to just write the lat/lng to a file and read that..but that's non-ideal. How are you able to read the output directly from the packaged .app?