fullipsori / str_work

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test_work #1

Open fullipsori opened 1 year ago

fullipsori commented 1 year ago


fullipsori commented 1 year ago

package com.autoever.poc.parser.can;

import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.stream.Collectors;

import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

import com.autoever.poc.parser.Parseable;

public class EventParser implements Parseable{

private Element mNode;
public String category;
public String name;
public String bitwise;
public int preTime;
public int postTime;

public List<TriggerParser> triggers;
public List<Object> msgTable;
public Boolean preTriggerCondition = null;

public EventParser(Element node) {
    this.mNode = node;
    category = mNode.getAttribute("Category");
    name = mNode.getAttribute("Name");
    bitwise = mNode.getAttribute("BIT_WISE");
    preTime = Integer.parseInt(mNode.getAttribute("preData"));
    postTime = Integer.parseInt(mNode.getAttribute("postData"));

    triggers = PolicyParser.GetElements.apply(mNode.getChildNodes(), "Trigger")
        .stream().map(e -> new TriggerParser(e, triggable))
        .peek(e -> msgTable.add(e.returnVal))

public void parse() {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub


public static void main(String[] args) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

private Triggable triggable = (time, status) -> {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    boolean rvalue = false;

    if(bitwise.equals("OR")) {
        rvalue = false;
        if(triggers.stream().anyMatch(t -> t.status)) {
            rvalue = true;
    } else {
        rvalue = true;
        if(triggers.stream().anyMatch(t -> !t.status)) {
            rvalue = false;

    if(preTriggerCondition != null) {
        if(preTriggerCondition != rvalue && status == false) {
            if(rvalue) {
                preTriggerCondition = rvalue;
                return Arrays.asList(
                    name, String.valueOf(preTime), String.valueOf(postTime), category, "OnTrue"
            }else {
                preTriggerCondition = rvalue;
                return Arrays.asList(
                    name, String.valueOf(preTime), String.valueOf(postTime), category, "OnFalse"

    if(status&& rvalue) {
        return Arrays.asList(
            name, String.valueOf(preTime), String.valueOf(postTime), category, "OnChange"
    }else if(status&& !rvalue) {
        return Arrays.asList(
            name, String.valueOf(preTime), String.valueOf(postTime), category, "OnFalse"

    preTriggerCondition = rvalue;
    return null;


fullipsori commented 1 year ago

package com.autoever.poc.parser.can;

import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.function.BiFunction; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import java.util.stream.IntStream;

import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;

import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

import com.autoever.poc.parser.Parseable;

public class PolicyParser implements Parseable {

private String filename;
private Path xmlFilePath;
private Element rootNode;

private Optional<Element> preCondition;
private String KeyStatus;
private TriggerParser KeyTrig;

private List<EventParser> EventList = new ArrayList<>();
private Triggable triggerable = (a,b) -> null;

public PolicyParser(String xmlfile, DocumentBuilder documentBuilder) {
    this.xmlFilePath = Paths.get(xmlfile);
    this.filename = this.xmlFilePath.getFileName().toString().substring(0, this.xmlFilePath.getFileName().toString().lastIndexOf('.'));
    try {
        Document document = documentBuilder.parse(xmlFilePath.toFile());
        rootNode = document.getDocumentElement();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        rootNode = null;
    preCondition = null;

public static BiFunction<NodeList, String, Optional<Element>> GetElement = (nodelist, name) -> IntStream.range(0, nodelist.getLength())
        .filter(n-> n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && n.getNodeName().equals(name))
        .map(n -> (Element)n)

public static BiFunction<NodeList, String, List<Element>> GetElements = (nodelist, name) -> IntStream.range(0, nodelist.getLength())
        .filter(n-> n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && n.getNodeName().equals(name))
        .map(n -> (Element)n)

public long minPreTime;
public Object[] msgFilter = {Optional.empty(),Optional.empty(),Optional.empty(),Optional.empty(),Optional.empty(),Optional.empty()};

public void parse() {

// DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); // DocumentBuilder documentBuilder; try { // documentBuilder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();

        if(rootNode == null) return;

        NodeList children = rootNode.getChildNodes();
        preCondition = GetElement.apply(children, "PreCondition");

        preCondition.ifPresent(e -> {
            KeyStatus = e.getAttribute("Key");
            GetElement.apply(e.getChildNodes(), "Trigger").ifPresent(ele -> {
                KeyTrig = new TriggerParser(ele, triggerable);

        for(Element event : GetElements.apply(children, "Event")) {
            EventParser e = new EventParser(event);
            if(minPreTime < e.preTime) {
                minPreTime = e.preTime;

            // [returnVal=[,,],returnVal]
            for(Object el : e.msgTable) {
                List<Object> ta = (List<Object>)el;
                int ch = Integer.parseInt((String)ta.get(0));
                int id = Integer.parseInt((String)ta.get(1));

                if(msgFilter[ch] == null) {
                    msgFilter[ch] = new HashMap<Integer,Object>();
                ((Map<Integer,Object>)msgFilter[ch]).compute(id, (k, v) -> (v == null)? Arrays.asList(ta.get(2)): ((List<Object>)v).add(ta.get(2)));

                if(ta.size() > 3) { //tpdtID  type?
                    int tpdtID = Integer.parseInt((String)ta.get(3));
                    ((Map<Integer,Object>)msgFilter[ch]).compute(tpdtID, (k, v) -> (v == null)? Arrays.asList(ta.get(2)): ((List<Object>)v).add(ta.get(2)));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

// new PolicyParser("d:/projects/vdms/resources/policy/BM-15C-0008.xml").parse(); DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder documentBuilder; try { documentBuilder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); }catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }


fullipsori commented 1 year ago

package com.autoever.poc.parser.can;

import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map;

import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;

import org.w3c.dom.Document;

public class PolicyRepository {

public Map<String, Document> mPolicyMap = new HashMap<>();

private static PolicyRepository mInstance = new PolicyRepository();
public static PolicyRepository getInstance() {
    return mInstance;

public static void LoadPolicy(String dirPath, String ext) {
    if(dirPath == null || dirPath.isBlank()) return;

    Map<String, Document> policyMap = PolicyRepository.getInstance().mPolicyMap;
    DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder documentBuilder;

    try {
        documentBuilder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
            .filter(path -> path.toString().endsWith(ext))
            .forEach(path -> {
                try {
                    String filename = path.getFileName().toString();
                            filename.substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf('.')), 
                } catch (Exception e) {
    } catch (Exception e) {

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    LoadPolicy("d:/projects/vdms/resources/policy", "xml");

        .forEach(entry -> {
            System.out.println("filename:" + entry.getKey() + " precondition:" + entry.getValue().getDocumentElement().getAttribute("timeZone"));



fullipsori commented 1 year ago

package com.autoever.poc.parser.can;

import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional;

import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

import com.autoever.poc.common.StringUtils; import com.autoever.poc.parser.Parseable;

public class TriggerParser implements Parseable{

public boolean status = false;
public BaseParser callback = null;
public List<Object> returnVal = new ArrayList<>();

public Integer ch;
public Integer id;
public String msgType;
public String type;

/* Signal */
public int sigstartbit;
public int siglength;
public String sigendian;
public String sigtype;
public float sigfactor;
public float sigoffset;

/* Condition */
public String conditionformula;
public float conditionvalue;
public float conditionduration;

/* parse */
public long time;
public int lastLength = 0;

public Triggable EventCallback;

private Element mNode;

public TriggerParser(Element node, Triggable cb) {
    this.mNode = node;
    this.EventCallback = cb;

    status = false;
    callback = null;

    NodeList nodeList = mNode.getChildNodes();
    Optional<Element> msgxml = PolicyParser.GetElement.apply(nodeList, "Message");
    msgxml.ifPresent(e -> {
        ch = Integer.parseInt(e.getAttribute("Channel"));
        id = Integer.parseInt(e.getAttribute("ID"), 16);
        msgType = e.getAttribute("type");

    if(msgType.equals("E")) {
        id &= 0x00FFFFFF;
    }else {
        id &= 0x7FF;
    type = mNode.getAttribute("type");

    if(type.equals("CAN")) {
        Optional<Element> sigxml = PolicyParser.GetElement.apply(nodeList, "Siganl");
        sigxml.ifPresent(e -> {
            sigstartbit = Integer.parseInt(e.getAttribute("Startbit"));
            siglength = Integer.parseInt(e.getAttribute("Length"));
            sigendian = e.getAttribute("endian");
            sigtype = e.getAttribute("type");
            sigfactor = Float.parseFloat(e.getAttribute("factor"));
            sigoffset = Float.parseFloat(e.getAttribute("offset"));

        Optional<Element> conditionxml = PolicyParser.GetElement.apply(nodeList, "condition");
        conditionxml.ifPresent(e -> {
            conditionformula = e.getAttribute("compare");
            conditionvalue = Float.parseFloat(e.getAttribute("value"));
            conditionduration =Float.parseFloat(e.getAttribute("duration"));

        callback = canParseable;
        returnVal = Arrays.asList(ch,id,callback);
    }else if(type.equals("UDS")) {
        callback = udsParseable;
        lastLength = 0;
        returnVal = Arrays.asList(ch,id,callback);
    }else if(type.equals("DM1")) {
        callback = dmParseable;
        lastDmSize = 0;
        nowDmSize = 0;
        lastDm1 = null;
        dm1Data = null;
        dmFlag = false;

        Optional<Element> msgxml2 = PolicyParser.GetElement.apply(mNode.getChildNodes(), "TPDT");
        msgxml2.ifPresent(e -> {
            tpdtID = Integer.parseInt(e.getAttribute("ID"), 16);
            if("E".equals(msgType)) {
                tpdtID &= 0x00FFFFFF;
            }else {
                tpdtID &= 0x7FF;
            lamp = e.getAttribute("Lamp");
        returnVal = Arrays.asList(ch,id,callback,tpdtID);

public void parse() {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub


// [DataChannel, DeltaTime, MSGInfo, DataID, DLC, data[10:10 + dlc_Size[DLC]], temp, self.BaseTime, self.VehicleKey]
// temp = dlcsize + data[10:10+dlcSize[DLC]]

public Float lastvalue = null;
public double conditionTime = 0.0;
public static CanParseable canParseable = (instance, message) -> {
    TriggerParser trigger = (TriggerParser)instance;
    List<String> canmsg = (List<String>)message;
    byte[] rawdata = canmsg.get(5).getBytes();

    trigger.time = Long.parseLong(canmsg.get(1));
    long baseTime = Long.parseLong(canmsg.get(7));
    int rawvalue = 0;
    int startbyte = trigger.sigstartbit >> 3;
    int lastbyte = (trigger.sigstartbit + trigger.siglength -1) >> 3;

    /** fullipsori: java 에서 동작하는지 확인 필요함 **/
    if("Little".equals(trigger.sigendian)) {
        for(int i=lastbyte; i > startbyte-1; i--) {
            rawvalue = rawvalue*256 + rawdata[i];
        rawvalue = rawvalue >> (trigger.sigstartbit % 8);
    }else {
        for(int i=startbyte; i<lastbyte+1; i++) {
            rawvalue = rawvalue * 256 + rawdata[i];
        rawvalue = rawvalue >> ((8000 - trigger.sigstartbit - trigger.siglength) % 8);
    rawvalue = rawvalue & ((int)Math.pow(2,trigger.siglength) -1);

    if("signed".equals(trigger.sigtype)) {
        if((rawvalue & (1<<(trigger.siglength-1))) != 0) {
            rawvalue = (-(((~rawvalue) & ((int)Math.pow(2, trigger.siglength) -1)) + 1));
    float value = rawvalue * trigger.sigfactor + trigger.sigoffset;

    boolean rvalue = false;
    switch(trigger.conditionformula) {
        case "GE": {
            if(value >= trigger.conditionvalue)
                rvalue = true;
        case "GT": {
            if(value > trigger.conditionvalue)
                rvalue = true;
        case "LE": {
            if(value <= trigger.conditionvalue)
                rvalue = true;
        case "LT": {
            if(value < trigger.conditionvalue)
                rvalue = true;
        case "EQ": {
            if(value == trigger.conditionvalue)
                rvalue = true;
        case "NEQ": {
            if(value != trigger.conditionvalue)
                rvalue = true;
        case "DIFF": {
            if(trigger.lastvalue == null) {
                trigger.lastvalue = value;
            }else if(value != trigger.lastvalue) {
                trigger.status = true;
                trigger.lastvalue = value;
                return trigger.EventCallback.OnCalled(trigger.time, true);
            return null;

    if(trigger.status != rvalue) {
        if(trigger.conditionTime + trigger.conditionduration <= trigger.time + baseTime) {
            trigger.status = rvalue;
            trigger.conditionTime = trigger.time + baseTime;
            if(!"DIFF".equals(trigger.conditionformula)) {
                //fullipsori check second parm (trigger.time)
                return trigger.EventCallback.OnCalled(trigger.time, false);
    }else {
        trigger.status = rvalue;
        if(trigger.conditionTime == 0) {
            trigger.conditionTime = trigger.time + baseTime;
            if(!"DIFF".equals(trigger.conditionformula)) {
                return trigger.EventCallback.OnCalled(trigger.time, false);

    return null;

// [DataChannel, DeltaTime, MSGInfo, DataID, DLC, data[10:10 + dlc_Size[DLC]], temp, self.BaseTime, self.VehicleKey]
// temp = dlcsize + data[10:10+dlcSize[DLC]]

public int lastDmSize = 0;
public int nowDmSize;
public byte[] dm1Data;
public boolean dmFlag = false;
public int tpdtID = 0;
public byte[] lastDm1=null;
public String lamp = "";

public static DMParseable dmParseable = (instance, message) -> {
    TriggerParser trigger = (TriggerParser)instance;
    List<String> dm1msg = (List<String>)message;
    byte[] rawdata = dm1msg.get(5).getBytes(); //fullipsori "ISO8859-1"
    trigger.time = Long.parseLong(dm1msg.get(1));

    if(trigger.id == (Integer.parseInt(dm1msg.get(3)) & 0x00FFFFFF)) {
        if(rawdata[5] == 0xCA && rawdata[6] == 0xFE) {
            trigger.nowDmSize = (rawdata[2] & 0xF) * 256 + rawdata[1];
            trigger.dm1Data = rawdata;
        }else {
            trigger.dm1Data = null;
    }else if(trigger.tpdtID == (Integer.parseInt(dm1msg.get(3)) & 0x00FFFFFF) && trigger.lamp.equals("False")) {
        if(trigger.dm1Data != null && rawdata[0] == 1) {
            if(trigger.lastDmSize == 0) {
                trigger.lastDmSize = trigger.nowDmSize;
            }else {
                if(trigger.nowDmSize != trigger.lastDmSize) {
                    trigger.status = true;
                    trigger.lastDmSize = trigger.nowDmSize;
                    trigger.lastDm1 = StringUtils.mergeByteArray(Arrays.copyOfRange(rawdata, 3, 6), Arrays.copyOfRange(rawdata, 7, rawdata.length));
                    trigger.dm1Data = null;
                    return trigger.EventCallback.OnCalled(trigger.time, true);

            if(trigger.lastDm1 == null) {
                trigger.status = true;
                trigger.lastDm1 = StringUtils.mergeByteArray(Arrays.copyOfRange(rawdata, 3, 6), Arrays.copyOfRange(rawdata, 7, rawdata.length));
                trigger.dm1Data = null;
                return trigger.EventCallback.OnCalled(trigger.time, true);
            }else {
                if(Arrays.equals(trigger.lastDm1, StringUtils.mergeByteArray(Arrays.copyOfRange(rawdata, 3, 6), Arrays.copyOfRange(rawdata, 7, rawdata.length)))) {
                    trigger.status = true;
                    trigger.lastDm1 = StringUtils.mergeByteArray(Arrays.copyOfRange(rawdata, 3, 6), Arrays.copyOfRange(rawdata, 7, rawdata.length));
                    trigger.dm1Data = null;
                    return trigger.EventCallback.OnCalled(trigger.time, true);
    }else if(trigger.tpdtID == (Integer.parseInt(dm1msg.get(3)) & 0x00FFFFFF) && "AWL".equals(trigger.lamp)) {
        if(trigger.dm1Data != null && rawdata[0] == 1) {
            boolean rvalue = false;
            //fullipsori bit 확인
            int awlStatus = (rawdata[1] & 0B00001100) >> 2;
            if(awlStatus == 1) {
                rvalue = true;
            trigger.status = rvalue;
            return trigger.EventCallback.OnCalled(trigger.time, false);
    }else if(trigger.tpdtID == (Integer.parseInt(dm1msg.get(3)) & 0x00FFFFFF) && "RSL".equals(trigger.lamp)) {
        if(trigger.dm1Data != null && rawdata[0] == 1) {
            boolean rvalue = false;
            int awlStatus = (rawdata[1] & 0B00110000) >> 4;
            if(awlStatus == 1) {
                rvalue = true;
            trigger.status = rvalue;
            return trigger.EventCallback.OnCalled(trigger.time, false);
    return null;

public static UDSParseable udsParseable = (instance, message) -> {
    TriggerParser trigger = (TriggerParser)instance;
    List<String> udsmsg = (List<String>)message;
    byte[] rawdata = udsmsg.get(5).getBytes(); //fullipsori "ISO8859-1"

    trigger.time = Long.parseLong(udsmsg.get(1));
    int frameType = ((int)rawdata[0]) >> 4;;
    int length;

    if(frameType == 0) {
        length = rawdata[0] & 0xF;
        if(rawdata[1] == 0x59 || rawdata[1] == 0x58) {
            if(trigger.lastLength == 0) {
                trigger.lastLength = length;
                if(length > 3) {
                    trigger.status = true;
                    return trigger.EventCallback.OnCalled(trigger.time, true);
            }else {
                if(trigger.lastLength != length && length > 3) {
                    trigger.status = true;
                    trigger.lastLength = length;
                    return trigger.EventCallback.OnCalled(trigger.time, true);
                }else if(trigger.lastLength != length && length <= 3) {
                    trigger.status = false;
                    trigger.lastLength = length;
                    return trigger.EventCallback.OnCalled(trigger.time, true);
    }else if(frameType == 1) {
        length = (rawdata[0] & 0xF) * 256 + rawdata[1];
        if(rawdata[2] == 0x59 || rawdata[2] == 0x58) {
            if(trigger.lastLength != length) {
                trigger.status = true;
                trigger.lastLength = length;
                return trigger.EventCallback.OnCalled(trigger.time, true);

    return null; //check null or False

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    byte[] x = {0x01, 0x02, 0x03,0x04};
    int rawvalue = 0;

    for(int i=3; i > -1; i--) {
        rawvalue = rawvalue*256 + x[i];
    rawvalue = rawvalue >> ( 3% 8);
    rawvalue = rawvalue & ((int)Math.pow(2, 28) -1);
    if((rawvalue & (1<<(28-1))) != 0) {
        rawvalue = (-(((~rawvalue) & ((int)Math.pow(2,  28) - 1)) + 1));
    System.out.println("rawvalue:" + rawvalue);

    rawvalue = 0;
    for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
        rawvalue = rawvalue * 256 + x[i];
    rawvalue = rawvalue >> ((8000 - 3 - 28) % 8);
    rawvalue = rawvalue & ((int)Math.pow(2, 28) -1);
    System.out.println("rawvalue:" + rawvalue);

    System.out.println("x:" + x[2]*256);

    System.out.println("x:" + (x[1] & 0B00000010));
    System.out.println("x:" + (x[1] & 0B00000001));
    System.out.println("a:" + 0B00000010);



fullipsori commented 1 year ago

import os import time import sys import struct import xml.etree.ElementTree as ETXML import bisect import numpy as np import pandas as pd import json

class VDMSRAW: def init(self, file, binary, vehicleKeyId, baseTime): self.VehicleKey = vehicleKeyId self.BaseTime = baseTime self.FPID = [] self.header = 0 self.RecordSum = 0 self.RealTime = 0 self.mode = None self.binData = binary self.InFile = None self.headerSize = 0

    if file:
        self.mode = "file"
            self.InFile = open(file, 'rb', 1024)
            print("File Read Error!!")
    elif self.binData:
        self.mode = "bin"
        self.binIndex = 0
        raise ValueError("no data")

def rewind(self):
        if self.mode == "file" and self.InFile:
        elif self.mode == "bin":
            self.binIndex = 0
        raise Exception("rewind Exception")

def close(self):
        if self.mode == "file" and self.InFile:
        print("File close Exception")

def readStream(self, size):
        if self.mode == "bin":
            data = self.binData[self.binIndex:self.binIndex+size]
            self.binIndex += size
            return data
        elif self.mode == "file":
            data = self.InFile.read(size)
            return data
            raise Exception("unknown read mode")

def getMSG(self):
    dlc_Size = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 32, 48, 64]
        data = self.readStream(1)
        DLC = data[0]
        temp = data
        return None

    MSGInfo = ""
    data = self.readStream(10 + dlc_Size[DLC])
    temp += data
    DeltaTime, DataFlag, DataChannel, DataID = struct.unpack('!IBBI', data[0:10])

    DeltaTime = DeltaTime * 0.00005  # 1 tick is 50us
    if DataFlag == 2:
        MSGInfo = "Error Frame"
        if (DataFlag and 1) == 1:
            MSGInfo = "Extended ID"
            MSGInfo = "Standard ID"
        if (DataFlag and 4) == 4:
            MSGInfo = MSGInfo + " FD"
    return [DataChannel, DeltaTime, MSGInfo, DataID, DLC, data[10:10 + dlc_Size[DLC]], temp, self.BaseTime, self.VehicleKey]

class triggeringThread: def init(self): self.trigMergeList = [] self.msgList = [] self.msgTimeList = [] self.KeyFlag = False

def findIdx(self, t, timeList):  # Input time msgTimeList Idx
    temp = bisect.bisect(timeList, t)
    if temp == 0:
        return temp
        if t - timeList[temp-1] < timeList[temp] - t:
            return temp-1
            return temp
        return temp-1

def processSingleFile(self, raw, policy):
    self.check_count = 0
    self.all_count = 0
    while True:
        msg = raw.getMSG()
        if msg == None:

        self.all_count += 1
        # [DataChannel, DeltaTime, MSGInfo, DataID, DLC, data[10:10 + dlc_Size[DLC]], temp, self.BaseTime, self.VehicleKey]
        # temp = dlcsize + data[10:10+dlcSize[DLC]]

        # PreCondition -> Trigger -> Message -> id,ch, type(CAN) -> callback(parseCAN) test(test or checkTriggers)
        if (msg[3] & 0x00FFFFFF) == policy.keyTrig.id and msg[0] == policy.keyTrig.ch:
            policy.keyTrig.callback(msg) # call parseCAN

        # trig ok?
            # preCondition 을 체크 않하거나 체크하는 경우 Trigger 조건에 만족하는지 체크
            if policy.KeyStatus.upper() != 'ON' or policy.keyTrig.status == True:
                self.KeyFlag = True
                self.KeyFlag = False

            trigData = []
            if self.KeyFlag == True and policy.msgFilter[msg[0]].get(msg[3] & 0x00FFFFFF) != None:
                self.check_count += 1
                for callBack in policy.msgFilter[msg[0]][msg[3] & 0x00FFFFFF]:
                    trig = callBack(msg)
                    if trig is not None:

                if len(trigData) > 0:
                    for trig in trigData:
                        for removeTrig in trigData:
                            if removeTrig == trig:
                                if removeTrig[0] == trig[0]:

                    for trig in trigData:
                        if trig != None:
                            # print("trig:", trig)
                            # trigData[4] : On True, On False, On Change
                            # msg: [DataChannel, DeltaTime, MSGInfo, DataID, DLC, fdata[10:10 + dlc_Size[DLC]],temp, self.BaseTime, self.VehicleKey]
                            # trig: [preTime, postTime, deltaTime, triggerName, value, category, status="OnTrue"]
                            # self.trigMergeList.append([msg[1] - trig[1], msg[1] + trig[2], msg[1], trig[0], False, trig[3], trig[4]])
                            self.trigMergeList.append([msg[1] - trig[1], msg[1] + trig[2], msg[1], trig[0], 0, trig[3], trig[4]])

def triggerListToFile(self):
    for trig in self.trigMergeList:  # trig[7] : On True, On False, On Change
        preIdx = self.findIdx(trig[0], self.msgTimeList)
        postIdx = self.findIdx(trig[1], self.msgTimeList)
        # print("Event Process  :   ", trig, preIdx, postIdx)

def Main(self, vdmsRAW, policy):
    self.processSingleFile(vdmsRAW, policy)
    print('check_count:', self.check_count, ' all_count:', self.all_count)

""" xml 내의 Trigger type 에 대한 parsing 진행 """ import os import time import sys import struct import xml.etree.ElementTree as ETXML import bisect import numpy as np import pandas as pd import json

class TriggerParser(): def init(self, xmls, cb):


    self.status = False
    self.callback = None
    self.returnVal = []

    # parsing Message properties 
    msgxml = xmls.find('Message')
    self.ch = int(msgxml.attrib['Channel'])
    self.id = int(msgxml.attrib['ID'].replace('0x', ''), 16)
    self.msgType = msgxml.attrib['type']

    if self.msgType == 'E':
        self.id = self.id & 0x00FFFFFF
        self.id = self.id & 0x7FF

    self.type = xmls.attrib['type']
    self.lastvalue = None
    self.lastDmSize = None
    self.conditionTime = 0.0
    self.EventCallback = cb
    if self.type == 'CAN':
        ## Parsing Signal properties
        sigxml = xmls.find('Siganl')
        self.sigstartbit = int(sigxml.attrib['Startbit'])
        self.siglength = int(sigxml.attrib['Length'])
        self.sigendian = sigxml.attrib['endian']
        self.sigtype = sigxml.attrib['type']
        self.sigfactor = float(sigxml.attrib['factor'])
        self.sigoffset = float(sigxml.attrib['offset'])
        ## Parsing condition properties
        conditionxml = xmls.find('condition')
        self.conditionformula = conditionxml.attrib['compare']
        self.conditionvalue = float(conditionxml.attrib['value'])
        self.conditionduration = float(conditionxml.attrib['duration'])
        self.callback = self.parseCAN
        self.returnVal = [self.ch, self.id, self.callback]
    elif self.type == 'UDS':
        self.callback = self.parseUDS
        self.lastLength = 0
        self.returnVal = [self.ch, self.id, self.callback]
    elif self.type == 'DM1':
        self.callback = self.parseDM1
        self.lastDmSize = 0
        self.nowDmSize = 0
        self.lastDm1 = None
        self.dm1Data = 0
        self.dmFLag = False
        msgxml2 = xmls.find('TPDT')
        self.tpdtID = int(msgxml2.attrib['ID'].replace('0x', ''), 16)
        if self.msgType == 'E':
            self.tpdtID = self.tpdtID & 0x00FFFFFF
            self.tpdtID = self.tpdtID & 0x7FF
        self.lamp = msgxml2.attrib['Lamp']
        self.returnVal = [self.ch, self.id, self.callback, self.tpdtID]

def parseCAN(self, canmsg):
    self.time = canmsg[1]
    baseTime = canmsg[7]
    rawvalue = 0
    startbyte = self.sigstartbit >> 3
    lastbyte = (self.sigstartbit + self.siglength - 1) >> 3

    if self.sigendian == "Little":
        for i in range(lastbyte, startbyte - 1, -1):
            rawvalue = rawvalue * 256 + canmsg[5][i]
        rawvalue = rawvalue >> (self.sigstartbit % 8)
        for i in range(startbyte, lastbyte + 1, 1):
            rawvalue = rawvalue * 256 + canmsg[5][i]
        rawvalue = rawvalue >> ((8000 - self.sigstartbit - self.siglength) % 8)

    rawvalue = rawvalue & (2 ** self.siglength - 1)
    if self.sigtype == "signed":
        if (rawvalue & (1 << (self.siglength - 1))) != 0:
            rawvalue = (-(((~rawvalue) & (2 ** self.siglength - 1)) + 1))

    value = rawvalue * self.sigfactor + self.sigoffset

    rvalue = False
    if self.conditionformula == 'GE':
        if value >= self.conditionvalue:
            rvalue = True
    elif self.conditionformula == 'GT':
        if value > self.conditionvalue:
            rvalue = True
    elif self.conditionformula == 'LE':
        if value <= self.conditionvalue:
            rvalue = True
    elif self.conditionformula == 'LT':
        if value < self.conditionvalue:
            rvalue = True
    elif self.conditionformula == 'EQ':
        if value == self.conditionvalue:
            rvalue = True
    elif self.conditionformula == 'NEQ':
        if value != self.conditionvalue:
            rvalue = True
    elif self.conditionformula == 'DIFF':
        if self.lastvalue == None:
            self.lastvalue = value
        elif value != self.lastvalue:
            self.status = True
            self.lastvalue = value
            return self.EventCallback(self.time, True)
        return None

    if self.status != rvalue:
        if self.conditionTime + self.conditionduration <= self.time + baseTime:
            self.status = rvalue
            self.conditionTime = self.time + baseTime
            if self.conditionformula != 'DIFF':
                return self.EventCallback(self.time)
        self.status = rvalue
        if self.conditionTime == 0:  # for init Event condition
            self.conditionTime = self.time + baseTime
            if self.conditionformula != 'DIFF':
                return self.EventCallback(self.time)
        self.conditionTime = self.time + baseTime
    return None

def parseUDS(self, udsmsg):
    self.time = udsmsg[1]
    frameType = udsmsg[5][0] >> 4

    if frameType == 0 : # Single, First Frame Only
        Length = udsmsg[5][0] & 0xF
        if udsmsg[5][1] == 0x59 or udsmsg[5][1] == 0x58: # SID 19, ReadDTCInformation
            if self.lastLength == 0:
                self.lastLength = Length
                if Length > 3:
                    self.status = True
                    return self.EventCallback(self.time, True)
                if self.lastLength != Length and Length > 3:
                    self.status = True
                    self.lastLength = Length
                    return self.EventCallback(self.time, True)
                elif self.lastLength != Length and Length <= 3:
                    self.status = False
                    self.lastLength = Length
                    return self.EventCallback(self.time, True)
    elif frameType == 1: # Single, First Frame Only
        Length = (udsmsg[5][0] & 0xF)*256 + udsmsg[5][1]
        if udsmsg[5][2] == 0x59 or udsmsg[5][2] == 0x58: # SID 19, ReadDTCInformation
            if self.lastLength != Length:
                self.status = True
                self.lastLength = Length
                return self.EventCallback(self.time, True)
    return False

def parseDM1(self, dm1msg):
    self.time = dm1msg[1]
    if self.id == (dm1msg[3] & 0x00FFFFFF): # TPCM
        if dm1msg[5][5] == 0xCA and dm1msg[5][6] == 0xFE:
            self.nowDmSize = (dm1msg[5][2] & 0xF)*256 + dm1msg[5][1]
            self.dm1Data = dm1msg[5]
            self.dm1Data = 0
    elif self.tpdtID == (dm1msg[3] & 0x00FFFFFF) and self.lamp == "False": # TPDT
        if self.dm1Data != 0 and dm1msg[5][0] == 1:
            if self.lastDmSize == 0: # size
                self.lastDmSize = self.nowDmSize
                if self.nowDmSize != self.lastDmSize:
                    self.status = True
                    self.lastDmSize = self.nowDmSize
                    self.lastDm1 = (dm1msg[5][3:6]+dm1msg[5][7:])
                    self.dm1Data = 0
                    return self.EventCallback(self.time, True)

            if self.lastDm1 == None: # data
                self.status = True
                self.lastDm1 = (dm1msg[5][3:6]+dm1msg[5][7:])
                self.dm1Data = 0
                return self.EventCallback(self.time, True)
                if self.lastDm1 != (dm1msg[5][3:6]+dm1msg[5][7:]):
                    self.status = True
                    self.lastDm1 = (dm1msg[5][3:6]+dm1msg[5][7:])
                    self.dm1Data = 0
                    return self.EventCallback(self.time, True)

    elif self.tpdtID == (dm1msg[3] & 0x00FFFFFF) and self.lamp == "AWL": # TPDT
        if self.dm1Data != 0 and dm1msg[5][0] == 1:
            rvalue = False
            awlStatus = (dm1msg[5][1]&0b00001100)>>2
            if awlStatus == 1:
                rvalue = True
            self.status = rvalue
            return self.EventCallback(self.time)

    elif self.tpdtID == (dm1msg[3] & 0x00FFFFFF) and self.lamp == "RSL": # TPDT
        if self.dm1Data != 0 and dm1msg[5][0] == 1:
            rvalue = False
            awlStatus = (dm1msg[5][1]&0b00110000)>>4
            if awlStatus == 1:
                rvalue = True
            self.status = rvalue
            return self.EventCallback(self.time)
    return False

class EventParser(): def init(self, xmls): self.category = xmls.attrib['Category'] self.name = xmls.attrib['Name'] self.bitwise = xmls.attrib['BIT_WISE'] self.preTime = int(xmls.attrib['preData']) self.postTime = int(xmls.attrib['postData']) self.triggers=[] self.msgTable = [] self.preTriggerConditon = None self.msgCnt = 0

    ## 1. Parse Trigger property in XML.
    ## 2. callback = parseCAN
    ## 3. EventCallback = self.checkTriggers
    ## 4. msgTable = returnVal([message.ch, message.id, callback])
    triggerList = xmls.findall('Trigger')
    for t in triggerList:
        trig = TriggerParser(t, self.checkTriggers) # append EventCallback = checkTriggers

def checkTriggers(self, time, onchange = False):
    rvalue = False
    if self.bitwise == "OR":
        rvalue = False
        for t in self.triggers:
            if t.status == True:
                rvalue = True
        rvalue = True
        for t in self.triggers:
            if t.status == False:
                rvalue = False
    if self.preTriggerConditon != None:
        if self.preTriggerConditon != rvalue and onchange == False:
            if rvalue == True:
                # print("On True   :  %s  %f" % (self.name, time))
                self.preTriggerConditon = rvalue
                return [self.name, self.preTime, self.postTime, self.category, "OnTrue"]
                # print("On False  :  %s  %f" % (self.name, time))
                self.preTriggerConditon = rvalue
                return [self.name, self.preTime, self.postTime, self.category, "OnFalse"]

    if onchange == True and rvalue == True:
        # print("On Change :  %s  %f" % (self.name, time))
        return [self.name, self.preTime, self.postTime, self.category, "OnChange"]
    elif onchange == True and rvalue == False:
        # print("On False* :  %s  %f" % (self.name, time))
        return [self.name, self.preTime, self.postTime, self.category, "OnFalse"]
    if onchange == True and rvalue == True:
        print("On Change :  %s  %f" % (self.name, time))
        return [self.name, self.preTime, self.postTime, self.category, "OnChange"]
    self.preTriggerConditon = rvalue
    return None

class PolicyParser(): def init(self, configfile): self.EventList = [] self.msgFilter = [{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}] self.minPreTime = 0 self.KeyStatus = 'ON'


def readXMLFile(self, policyFile):
    # xml Read
        Top = ETXML.parse(policyFile)
        print("Read policy file: ", policyFile)
        print("wrong policy file: %s" % policyFile)

    keyXmls = Top.find('PreCondition')
    self.KeyStatus = keyXmls.attrib['Key']
    self.keyTrig = TriggerParser(keyXmls.find('Trigger'), test)

    # trig XML passing
    Eventxmls = Top.findall('Event')
    for event in Eventxmls:
        e = EventParser(event)

        if self.minPreTime < e.preTime:
            self.minPreTime = e.preTime
        # EventList = [EventParser, EventParser]
        # msgTable
        # # CAN : [self.ch, self.id, self.callback]
        # # DM1 : [self.ch, self.id, self.callback, self.tpdtID]
        # # msgFilter
        # # # CAN : [{},{id: [parseCAN, parseCAN]},{},{},{}]
        # # # DM1 : [{},{id(1): [parseDM1, parseDM1]},{},{},{tpdtID(4): parseDM1}]
        for ta in e.msgTable: # msgTable = result of [message.id, message.ch, parseCAN]
            if len(ta) > 3:
                if self.msgFilter[ta[0]].get(ta[1]) != None: # returnVal
                    self.msgFilter[ta[0]][ta[1]] = [ta[2]]

                if self.msgFilter[ta[0]].get(ta[3]) != None:
                    self.msgFilter[ta[0]][ta[3]] = [ta[2]]
                if self.msgFilter[ta[0]].get(ta[1]) != None:
                    self.msgFilter[ta[0]][ta[1]] = [ta[2]]

def test(a, b=True): return

import sys, os import numpy as np import pandas as pd import json

FILENAME = 'VM-21C-0004_177554_1684869240.dat'

FILENAME = 'BM-15C-0115_142709_1684876074.dat'

DOWNLOAD_ROOT = 'd:/projects/vdms/resources/download/' POLICY_ROOT = 'd:/projects/vdms/resources/policy/' CAN_FILE_PATH = DOWNLOADROOT + FILENAME filename = os.path.splitext(FILENAME)[0] tokens = filename.split("") BIN_DATA = '' can_data = None

vdmsRAW = VDMSRAW(CAN_FILE_PATH, BIN_DATA, tokens[1], int(tokens[2])) mainclass = triggeringThread() vdmsRAW.rewind() mainclass.Main(vdmsRAW, PolicyParser(POLICY_ROOT + tokens[0] + '.xml')) vdmsRAW.close()



data_np = np.array(mainclass.trigMergeList, dtype=object) data_df = pd.DataFrame(data_np) if not data_df.empty:

data_t = [[206.29665, 326.29665, 266.29665, 'LDC_AuxBattWrnLmpReq', 0, 'LDC', 'OnFalse']]

data_df.columns = ['preTime', 'postTime', 'deltaTime', 'eventName', 'value', 'category', 'status']
can_data = f'{{"can_data": {data_df.to_json(orient="records")}}}'


fullipsori commented 1 year ago

import os import time import sys import struct import binascii import datetime import pandas as pd import json import xml.etree.ElementTree as ETXML

class CCPRAW: def init(self, file, binary): self.mode = None self.binData = binary self.InFile = None self.headerSize = 0

    if file:
        self.mode = "file"
            self.InFile = open(file, 'rb', 1024)
            print("File read Error!!")
    elif self.binData:
        self.mode = "bin"
        self.binIndex = 0
        raise ValueError("no data")

def rewind(self):
        if self.mode == "file" and self.InFile:
        elif self.mode == "bin":
            self.binIndex = 0
        raise Exception("rewind Exception")

def close(self):
        if self.mode == "file" and self.InFile:
        print("File close Exception")

def readStream(self, size):
        if self.mode == "bin":
            data = self.binData[self.binIndex:self.binIndex+size]
            self.binIndex += size
            return data
        elif self.mode == "file":
            data = self.InFile.read(size)
            return data
            raise Exception("unknown read mode")

def getMSG(self):
    dlc_Size = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 32, 48, 64]
        data = self.readStream(1)
        DLC = data[0]
        temp = data
        return None

    if not DLC: 
        return None

    data = self.readStream(10 + dlc_Size[DLC])
    DeltaTime, DataFlag, DataChannel, DataID = struct.unpack('!IBBI', data[0:10])
    DeltaTime = DeltaTime * 0.00005

    return [DeltaTime, DataFlag, DataChannel, DataID, data[10:10 + dlc_Size[DLC]]]

def parse_ccp_data(val, odtMap): cmd = int(val[:1].hex(), 16) value = struct.unpack('<B'+odtMap[cmd-10][2],val) ret = {} for i in range(len(odtMap[cmd-10][0])): ret[odtMap[cmd-10][0][i]] = value[i+1] return ret

def processSingleFile(ccpRaw, odtMap): prev_cmd = 0 result = [] while True: msg = ccpRaw.getMSG() if msg == None: break ccp_data = msg[4] if prev_cmd != 0: if (prev_cmd != 255) and (ccp_data[0] >= 0x0a and ccp_data <= 0x3b): print(ccp_data[0], msg[0]) parsed = parse_ccp_data(ccp_data, odtMap) print(parsed) result.append(msg, parsed) prev_cmd = ccp_data[0] else: prev_cmd = ccp_data[0] else: prev_cmd = ccp_data[0]

return result

def generate_odt_map(measurement_list): odt_map = [] max_odt = 50 for i in range(max_odt): odt_map.append([[],7,''])

# 4Byte
for m in measurement_list:
    if m[1] in ('SLONG','ULONG'):
        for i in range(max_odt):
            if odt_map[i][1] >= 4:
                odt_map[i][1] -= 4
# 2Byte
for m in measurement_list:
    if m[1] in ('SWORD','UWORD'):
        for i in range(max_odt):
            if odt_map[i][1] >= 2:
                odt_map[i][1] -= 2
# 1Byte
for m in measurement_list:
    if m[2] == 'UBYTE':
        for i in range(max_odt):
            if odt_map[i][1] >= 1:
                odt_map[i][1] -= 1
# 남은공간은 Byte로 채움(Python unpack 처리 시 편의를 위해)
for i in range(len(odt_map)):
    for j in range(odt_map[i][1]):
return odt_map

def get_odt_map(evt_file): tree = ETXML.parse(evt_file) root=tree.getroot() measurements = root.findall('.//Measurement') measurement_list = [] for measurement in measurements: measurement_list.append([measurement.findall('identName')[0].text,measurement.findall('Datatype')[0].text])

return generate_odt_map(measurement_list)    

def load_evt(command, evtFolder): updated_evts = '' evt_files = []

if command.upper() == 'LOAD' or command.upper() == 'RELOAD':
    evtList = os.listdir(evtFolder)
    for evt in evtList:
        filename = os.path.splitext(evt)[0]
        EVT_DATAS[filename] = get_odt_map(evtFolder + '/' + filename + '.evt')

if evt_files is not None:
    updated_evt = ','.join(evt_files)

return updated_evt


evt_file = "d:/projects/from_hyuncar/ccp_source/0525/20230522133456_decrypted.evt" odtMap= get_odt_map(evt_file)


odt_map = [[['heat_sys.msr_heat_oper', 'msr_tb_2', 'SK_Y.u8CcvDtc'], 0, 'LHB'], [['heat_relay_on_status', 'msr_tb_1', 'SK_Y.u8CcvDtcIndex'], 0, 'LHB'], [['nvm_soh_avg_max', 'msr_tb_3', 'SK_Y.u8OcvDtc'], 0, 'LHB'], [['nvm_soh_calc_cnt', 'msr_tb_4', 'SK_Y.u8OcvDtcIndex'], 0, 'LHB'], [['nvm_soh_target', 'msr_tb_5', 'SK_Y.u8RsDtc'], 0, 'LHB'], [['SOC', 'msr_tb_6', 'SK_Y.u8RsDtcIndex'], 0, 'LHB'], [['rec_soc_reset.last_type', 'msr_tb_7', 'nvm_batt_sk_safety_fail'], 0, 'LHB'], [['chg_oper_state', 'msr_tb_8', 'nvm_soc_population'], 0, 'LHB'], [['nvm_cnt_obc_chg', 'msr_tb_9', 'chg_abnormal_code'], 0, 'LHB'], [['nvm_cnt_qcs_chg', 'rec_soc_reset.cnt', 'chg_charging_now'], 0, 'LHB'], [['fault_code', 'nvm_temp_max', 'can_chg.obc_ac_detect'], 0, 'LHB'], [['msr_data.t_inlet', 'nvm_dtemp_max', 'nvm_batt_misd1_flt_cellno'], 0, 'LHB'], [['msr_data.t_inlet2', 'cell_01', 'nvm_batt_misd2_flt_cellno'], 0, 'LHB'], [['nvm_batt_misd1_flt_mod_no', 'cell_02', 'nvm_temp_population'], 0, 'LHB'], [['nvm_batt_misd1_flt_mod_no_h', 'cell_03'], 1, 'LHB'], [['nvm_batt_misd2_flt_mod_no', 'cell_04'], 1, 'LHB'], [['nvm_batt_misd2_flt_mod_no_h', 'cell_05'], 1, 'LHB'], [['nvm_sw_version', 'cell_06'], 1, 'LHB'], [['nvm_isol_impediance_min', 'cell_07'], 1, 'LHB'], [['cell_08', 'cell_09', 'cell_10'], 1, 'HHHB'], [['cell_11', 'cell_12', 'cell_13'], 1, 'HHHB'], [['cell_14', 'cell_15', 'cell_16'], 1, 'HHHB'], [['cell_17', 'cell_18', 'cell_19'], 1, 'HHHB'], [['cell_20', 'cell_21', 'cell_22'], 1, 'HHHB'], [['cell_23', 'cell_24', 'cell_25'], 1, 'HHHB'], [['cell_26', 'cell_27', 'cell_28'], 1, 'HHHB'], [['cell_29', 'cell_30', 'cell_31'], 1, 'HHHB'], [['cell_32', 'cell_33', 'cell_34'], 1, 'HHHB'], [['cell_35', 'cell_36', 'cell_37'], 1, 'HHHB'], [['cell_38', 'cell_39', 'cell_40'], 1, 'HHHB'], [['cell_41', 'cell_42', 'cell_43'], 1, 'HHHB'], [['cell_44', 'cell_45', 'cell_46'], 1, 'HHHB'], [['cell_47', 'cell_48', 'cell_49'], 1, 'HHHB'], [['cell_50', 'cell_51', 'cell_52'], 1, 'HHHB'], [['cell_53', 'cell_54', 'cell_55'], 1, 'HHHB'], [['cell_56', 'cell_57', 'cell_58'], 1, 'HHHB'], [['cell_59', 'cell_60', 'cell_61'], 1, 'HHHB'], [['cell_62', 'cell_63', 'cell_64'], 1, 'HHHB'], [['cell_65', 'cell_66', 'cell_67'], 1, 'HHHB'], [['cell_68', 'cell_69', 'cell_70'], 1, 'HHHB'], [['cell_71', 'cell_72', 'cell_73'], 1, 'HHHB'], [['cell_74', 'cell_75', 'cell_76'], 1, 'HHHB'], [['cell_77', 'cell_78', 'cell_79'], 1, 'HHHB'], [['cell_80', 'cell_81', 'cell_82'], 1, 'HHHB'], [['cell_83', 'cell_84', 'cell_85'], 1, 'HHHB'], [['cell_86', 'cell_87', 'cell_88'], 1, 'HHHB'], [['cell_89', 'cell_90'], 3, 'HHBBB'], [[], 7, 'BBBBBBB'], [[], 7, 'BBBBBBB'], [[], 7, 'BBBBBBB']]

datfile = "D:/projects/from_hyuncar/ccp_source/0525/HREV_N19-08-728_VM-21C-0016_BASE_2574-1_CCP_20230424074628_146119.dat"

ccpRaw = CCPRAW(datfile, None) result = processSingleFile(ccpRaw, odt_map) print(result)

import sys, os

import numpy as np

import pandas as pd

import json


KAFKA_MSG = kafkaMessage

CCP_FILE_PATH = filePath

BIN_DATA = binaryData

EVT = evt

ccp_data = None

ccp_count = 0


if not CCP_DATAS or CCP_DATAS[EVT] is None:





result = ccpRAW.processSingleFile()


if not result:

ccp_count = len(result)





data_np = np.array(result, dtype=object)

data_df = pd.DataFrame(data_np)

if not data_df.empty:

data_df.columns = ['DeltaTime','DataFlag','DataChannel','DataID','data','parsed']

ccp_data = f'{{"ccp_data": { data_df.to_json(orient="records")}}}'

fullipsori commented 1 year ago

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

fullipsori commented 1 year ago


2 2.14.8454.29032 Beta(2023-02-23) 20230522133456.evt PU_cupang_sop_none bms VDMS
Common definitions 1 1 4 8 1 MSB_LAST 100ms 3 100 0x01 0x32 0x0635 0x01 B 10ms 3 10 0x00 0x0A 0x0635 0x00 A 1ms 3 1 0x02 0x01 0x0635 0x02 C 10ms Event 10ms 0x00 3 10 A 100ms Event 100ms 0x01 3 100 B 1ms Event 1ms 0x02 3 1 C 0x0201 0x0204 0x0634 0x0635 0x1111 2 500000 1 0 cell_01 UWORD cell_01.CONVERSION 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001A9C MSB_LAST 100ms cell_01.CONVERSION "@@@@RuleName created by CANape" IDENTICAL "%3.1" "mV" cell_02 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001AA0 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_03 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001AA4 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_04 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001AA8 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_05 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001AAC MSB_LAST 100ms cell_06 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001AB0 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_07 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001AB4 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_08 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001AB8 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_09 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001ABC MSB_LAST 100ms cell_10 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001AC0 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_11 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001AC4 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_12 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001AC8 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_13 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001ACC MSB_LAST 100ms cell_14 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001AD0 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_15 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001AD4 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_16 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001AD8 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_17 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001ADC MSB_LAST 100ms cell_18 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001AE0 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_19 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001AE4 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_20 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001AE8 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_21 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001AEC MSB_LAST 100ms cell_22 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001AF0 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_23 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001AF4 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_24 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001AF8 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_25 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001AFC MSB_LAST 100ms cell_26 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B00 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_27 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B04 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_28 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B08 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_29 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B0C MSB_LAST 100ms cell_30 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B10 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_31 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B14 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_32 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B18 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_33 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B1C MSB_LAST 100ms cell_34 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B20 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_35 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B24 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_36 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B28 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_37 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B2C MSB_LAST 100ms cell_38 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B30 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_39 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B34 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_40 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B38 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_41 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B3C MSB_LAST 100ms cell_42 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B40 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_43 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B44 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_44 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B48 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_45 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B4C MSB_LAST 100ms cell_46 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B50 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_47 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B54 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_48 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B58 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_49 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B5C MSB_LAST 100ms cell_50 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B60 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_51 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B64 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_52 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B68 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_53 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B6C MSB_LAST 100ms cell_54 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B70 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_55 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B74 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_56 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B78 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_57 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B7C MSB_LAST 100ms cell_58 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B80 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_59 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B84 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_60 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B88 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_61 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B8C MSB_LAST 100ms cell_62 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B90 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_63 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B94 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_64 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B98 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_65 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001B9C MSB_LAST 100ms cell_66 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001BA0 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_67 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001BA4 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_68 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001BA8 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_69 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001BAC MSB_LAST 100ms cell_70 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001BB0 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_71 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001BB4 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_72 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001BB8 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_73 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001BBC MSB_LAST 100ms cell_74 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001BC0 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_75 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001BC4 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_76 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001BC8 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_77 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001BCC MSB_LAST 100ms cell_78 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001BD0 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_79 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001BD4 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_80 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001BD8 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_81 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001BDC MSB_LAST 100ms cell_82 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001BE0 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_83 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001BE4 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_84 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001BE8 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_85 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001BEC MSB_LAST 100ms cell_86 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001BF0 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_87 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001BF4 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_88 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001BF8 MSB_LAST 100ms cell_89 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001BFC MSB_LAST 100ms cell_90 UWORD NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001C00 MSB_LAST 100ms SOC SLONG SOC.CONVERSION 0 0 "soc_r in[0.1%]" 120 0 0x70001DAE MSB_LAST 100ms SOC.CONVERSION "@@@@RuleName created by CANape" IDENTICAL "%3.1" "" msr_data.ibm SLONG NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 2147483647 -2147483648 0x70000498 100ms msr_tb_1 SWORD msr_tb_1.CONVERSION 0 0 "" 32767 -32768 0x70001A7C MSB_LAST 100ms msr_tb_1.CONVERSION "@@@@RuleName created by CANape" IDENTICAL "%3.1" "" msr_tb_2 SWORD msr_tb_2.CONVERSION 0 0 "" 32767 -32768 0x70001A80 MSB_LAST 100ms msr_tb_2.CONVERSION "@@@@RuleName created by CANape" IDENTICAL "%3.1" "" msr_tb_3 SWORD msr_tb_3.CONVERSION 0 0 "" 32767 -32768 0x70001A84 MSB_LAST 100ms msr_tb_3.CONVERSION "@@@@RuleName created by CANape" IDENTICAL "%3.1" "" msr_tb_4 SWORD msr_tb_4.CONVERSION 0 0 "" 32767 -32768 0x70001A88 MSB_LAST 100ms msr_tb_4.CONVERSION "@@@@RuleName created by CANape" IDENTICAL "%3.1" "" msr_tb_5 SWORD msr_tb_5.CONVERSION 0 0 "" 32767 -32768 0x70001A8C MSB_LAST 100ms msr_tb_5.CONVERSION "@@@@RuleName created by CANape" IDENTICAL "%3.1" "" msr_tb_6 SWORD msr_tb_6.CONVERSION 0 0 "" 32767 -32768 0x70001A90 MSB_LAST 100ms msr_tb_6.CONVERSION "@@@@RuleName created by CANape" IDENTICAL "%3.1" "" msr_tb_7 SWORD msr_tb_7.CONVERSION 0 0 "" 32767 -32768 0x70001A94 MSB_LAST 100ms msr_tb_7.CONVERSION "@@@@RuleName created by CANape" IDENTICAL "%3.1" "" msr_tb_8 SWORD msr_tb_8.CONVERSION 0 0 "" 32767 -32768 0x70001A98 MSB_LAST 100ms msr_tb_8.CONVERSION "@@@@RuleName created by CANape" IDENTICAL "%3.1" "" msr_tb_9 SWORD msr_tb_9.CONVERSION 0 0 "" 32767 -32768 0x70001A9C MSB_LAST 100ms msr_tb_9.CONVERSION "@@@@RuleName created by CANape" IDENTICAL "%3.1" "" msr_tbmax_raw SLONG NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 2147483647 -2147483648 0x70001A90 100ms msr_tbmin_raw SLONG NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 2147483647 -2147483648 0x70001A94 100ms chg_charging_now UBYTE NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70002202 100ms nvm_soh_avg_max SLONG nvm_soh_avg_max.CONVERSION 0 0 "" 65535 0 0x701034B4 MSB_LAST 100ms nvm_soh_avg_max.CONVERSION "@@@@RuleName created by CANape" IDENTICAL "%3.1" "" nvm_soh_avg_min SLONG NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 2147483647 -2147483648 0x701034B8 100ms nvm_soh_calc_cnt SLONG NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 2147483647 -2147483648 0x701034BC 100ms nvm_soh_ocv_cnt SLONG NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 2147483647 -2147483648 0x701034CA 100ms nvm_soh_ocv_max SLONG NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 2147483647 -2147483648 0x70103586 100ms nvm_soh_ocv_min SLONG NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 2147483647 -2147483648 0x7010358E 100ms msr_data.r_isol SLONG NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 2147483647 -2147483648 0x700004B0 100ms msr_isol_min SLONG NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 2147483647 -2147483648 0x70001A70 100ms fault_code SLONG fault_code.CONVERSION 0 0 "" 255 0 0x70001048 MSB_LAST 100ms fault_code.CONVERSION "@@@@RuleName created by CANape" IDENTICAL "%3.1" "" nvm_acc_cha_ah ULONG nvm_acc_cha_ah.CONVERSION 0 0 "" 65535 0 0x7010318C MSB_LAST 100ms nvm_acc_cha_ah.CONVERSION "@@@@RuleName created by CANape" IDENTICAL "%3.1" "" nvm_acc_dch_ah ULONG nvm_acc_dch_ah.CONVERSION 0 0 "" 65535 0 0x70103194 MSB_LAST 100ms nvm_acc_dch_ah.CONVERSION "@@@@RuleName created by CANape" IDENTICAL "%3.1" "" msr_data.vb_max SLONG NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 2147483647 -2147483648 0x70000490 100ms msr_data.vb_min SLONG NO_COMPU_METHOD 0 0 "" 2147483647 -2147483648 0x7000048C 100ms NO_COMPU_METHOD RAT_FUNC COEFFS 0 1 0 0 0 1
