fullphat / snarl

When { stuff_happens(); tell_me() }
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Regarding logs #59

Open fruza opened 6 years ago

fruza commented 6 years ago


I see that any execution of snarl create a new log file named it like SIDsnarl_5_debug.log in the installation path. Can we set the place where to save the logs file? Can we set the name format of those log files? something like %COMPUTERNAME%-snarl_5_debug.log.

Thanks, Fernando.

fullphat commented 5 years ago

R5 will write its log to the same directory as the Snarl executable. As of R5.1, the name of the log file is called snarl-5-1.debug and it is only created if the --log switch is included when launching Snarl. In the future I may add more functionality around this, for example:

Reply back if any of the above sound useful, or if you have other suggestions