fullstack-lang / gong

Gong (go+ng) is a go sub-language that compiles to go and angular. All valid go is valid gong and vice versa. Gong enables fast development of web applications. Gong is model centric and by default, a UML diagram editor of the model is embedded in each application.
MIT License
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put //gong:ident into doc comment, not free floating comments #491

Open thomaspeugeot opened 1 month ago

thomaspeugeot commented 1 month ago


//gong:ident parsing allows renaming to propagate to static identifiers

It is currently used in the gongdoc package to reference meta information

    //gong:ident [ref_models.Astruct]
    __GongStructShape__000000_NewDiagram_Astruct.Identifier = `ref_models.Astruct`


This is a free floating comment, not a doc comment.


thomaspeugeot commented 1 month ago

Well, field renaming does not work