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Query with Join in BlazorHero #286

Closed agorota closed 3 years ago

agorota commented 3 years ago

Hi, I would like to create views on the data by making appropriate joins through Linq to Entities, I tried the following path without success, I'll explain what I did by taking for example the 2 example tables in BlazorHero: Brand and Product I would like to create a view in which I highlight whether a brand has products or not as per the following SQL script:

        CASE WHEN products.Name IS NULL THEN 'no product' ELSE 'ok' END AS State, Brands.Name AS Brand, Brands.Id
         Products FULL OUTER JOIN  Brands ON Products.BrandId = Brands.Id

This is the result I would like: immagine

In Blazor hero I changed the Products controller to SERVER:

    /// <summary>
    /// Get Status Products
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>Status 200 OK</returns>
    [Authorize(Policy = Permissions.Products.View)]
    public async Task<IActionResult> GetStatus()
        var products = await _mediator.Send(new GetAllProductsStatusQuery());
        return Ok(products);
Add Class Response in Application:

namespace SigmaAdminBlazorApp.Application.Features.Products.Queries.GetAllPaged { class GetAllStatusProductsResponse { public int Id { get; set; } public string Brand { get; set; } public string State { get; set; } } }

And finally add Query in Application:

namespace SigmaAdminBlazorApp.Application.Features.Products.Queries.GetAllPaged { public class GetAllProductsStatusQuery : IRequest<Result<List>> { public GetAllProductsStatusQuery() {


internal class GetAllProductsStatusQueryHandler : IRequestHandler<GetAllProductsStatusQuery, Result<List<GetAllStatusProductsResponse>>>
    private readonly IUnitOfWork<int> _unitOfWork;
    private readonly IMapper _mapper;

    public GetAllProductsStatusQueryHandler(IUnitOfWork<int> unitOfWork, IMapper mapper)
        _unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
        _mapper = mapper;

    public async Task<Result<List<GetAllStatusProductsResponse>>> Handle(GetAllProductsStatusQuery request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var dataBrands = _unitOfWork.Repository<Brand>().Entities.ToList();

        var data = await _unitOfWork.Repository<Product>().Entities
                                                                   .Join(dataBrands, Product => Product.BrandId, Brand => Brand.Id,
                                                                   (brand, product) => new GetAllStatusProductsResponse
                                                                       State = "ok",
                                                                       Brand = brand.Name,
                                                                       Id = brand.Id


        var mappedStatus = _mapper.Map<List<GetAllStatusProductsResponse>>(data);
        return await Result<List<GetAllStatusProductsResponse>>.SuccessAsync(mappedStatus);


Unfortunately in swagger I get the following answer: 

{ "Data": null, "Messages": [ "The LINQ expression 'DbSet()\r\n .Join(\r\n inner: __p_0, \r\n outerKeySelector: Product => Product.BrandId, \r\n innerKeySelector: Brand => Brand.Id, \r\n resultSelector: (brand, product) => new GetAllStatusProductsResponse{ \r\n State = \"ok\", \r\n Brand = brand.Name, \r\n Id = brand.Id \r\n }\r\n )' could not be translated. Either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated, or switch to client evaluation explicitly by inserting a call to 'AsEnumerable', 'AsAsyncEnumerable', 'ToList', or 'ToListAsync'. See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2101038 for more information." ], "Succeeded": false }

I lost a day and a half but without finding a solution, what am I wrong? Please help me ... 
Duelbat commented 3 years ago

Yep, good luck. You are really at the mercy of the four winds. Without proper documentation and lack luster support from the developer, you going to pull your hair out. I gave up on this template and now at least I know what is going on in my own code. Write your own stuff and you will be better off in the long run.

agorota commented 3 years ago

@Duelbat it's just your opinion, I'm doing very well. This project is of great help and I believe it will grow further with the help of the community.

jeremiedevos commented 3 years ago

Hey @agorota , I have tried your code and have found the issue! When Googling your issue i came across this page this page they where suggesting at Query (LINQ) expression -Approach2 to use .AsEnumerable.

When adding this to dataBrands it seems to work. I would suggest to read the page. Fix: var dataBrands = _unitOfWork.Repository<Brand>().Entities.AsEnumerable();

agorota commented 3 years ago

Thanks @jeremiedevos It works.

I was almost there but couldn't figure out where to put .AsEnumerable :)

agorota commented 3 years ago

Sorry but I get the problem again using .GroupJoin. But how is it possible ... could you suggest another way to do this?

public async Task<Result<List<GetAllStatusProductsResponse>>> Handle(GetAllProductsStatusQuery request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            //var dataBrands = _unitOfWork.Repository<Brand>().Entities.ToList();
            var dataBrands = _unitOfWork.Repository<Brand>().Entities.AsEnumerable();

            var data = await _unitOfWork.Repository<Product>().Entities.Select(d => d)
                                                                       .GroupJoin(dataBrands, Product => Product.BrandId, Brand => Brand.Id,
                                                                       (brand, product) => new GetAllStatusProductsResponse
                                                                           State = "ok",
                                                                           Brand = brand.Name,
                                                                           Id = brand.Id

            var mappedStatus = _mapper.Map<List<GetAllStatusProductsResponse>>(data);
            return await Result<List<GetAllStatusProductsResponse>>.SuccessAsync(mappedStatus);


agorota commented 3 years ago

I had to reverse the tables to get RIGHT OUTER JOIN in this way:

 public async Task<Result<List<GetAllStatusProductsResponse>>> Handle(GetAllProductsStatusQuery request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            //var dataBrands = _unitOfWork.Repository<Brand>().Entities.AsEnumerable();
            var dataProducts = _unitOfWork.Repository<Product>().Entities.AsEnumerable();

            var data = await _unitOfWork.Repository<Brand>().Entities
                                     Brand => Brand.Id,
                                     Product => Product.BrandId,
                                     (product, brand) => new { Pr = product, Br = brand })
                                        brand => brand.Br.DefaultIfEmpty(),
                                        (Pr, Br) => new GetAllStatusProductsResponse
                                            State = Pr.Pr.Description,
                                            Brand = (Br == null ? "No Product" : Br.Name),
                                            Id = Pr.Pr.Id

            var mappedStatus = _mapper.Map<List<GetAllStatusProductsResponse>>(data);
            return await Result<List<GetAllStatusProductsResponse>>.SuccessAsync(mappedStatus);
