fullstackhero / blazor-starter-kit

Clean Architecture Template for Blazor WebAssembly Built with MudBlazor Components.
MIT License
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Consider removing EPPlus depedency because of non permissive licence. #330

Open umunu opened 2 years ago

umunu commented 2 years ago

EPPlus has a Polyform Noncommercial License 1.0.0 which makes it a restrictive license for commercial use. Also this license conflicts with this project's MIT License.

This can be confusing for users of this template and unwillingly and unknowingly infringe EPPlus license.

Please make a clear note of this, or remove altogether this dependency.

vip32 commented 2 years ago

are there any 'non retrictive' alternatives? have looked but came no further that to stick with v4 of epplus

fretje commented 2 years ago

I personally have no experience with it, but NPOI seems to be well maintained and has an Apache 2.0 licence.

umunu commented 2 years ago

Yes there are.

EPPlus depends on OpenXml. So I think there are good alternatives.

asilmertkan commented 2 years ago

EPPlus V5 has a Polyform Noncommercial License 1.0.0 but V4 has a (last stabil version GNU Library General Public License (LGPL). This projects depency can be downgrade to V4.

Project link for those who are interested https://github.com/JanKallman/EPPlus

neozhu commented 2 years ago

@umunu I agree with you, there is my code ExcelService.cs

hades200082 commented 2 years ago

I'd question why something like EPPlus or any Excel library is needed in a boilerplate clean architecture project in the first place?

If a BH dev user is building a project that needs those features they can add their own library of choice. Why bloat the boilerplate with it?