fullstackla / pairing-meetup

⚡ 📻 Open Source Pair Programming every month in downtown & Santa Monica
MIT License
34 stars 19 forks source link

Show Notes ⚡️📻 1/11 @ 8th Light Downtown #149

Closed machikoyasuda closed 7 years ago

machikoyasuda commented 7 years ago

Stand up

ProTip: New to Fullstack? Check out our member directory and add yourself to the list: https://github.com/fullstackla/pairing-meetup/blob/master/community/README.md

  • How should we improve this page? How can we open source and share this project so other meetup groups can make pages like this of themselves?

ProTip: Is your 2017 resolution to code more katas? Try a different language? Join our Exercism team http://exercism.io/teams/dtla-pair-programming/ Set it as your desktop homepage.

Open source picks!

Where to start:

  1. Completely new to coding? Start by pairing on Exercism puzzles.
  2. First Timers Only: New to contributing to applications/projects: 1) https://github.com/fullstackla/pairing-meetup/issues/127 2) https://github.com/fullstackla/pairing-meetup/issues/125 3) https://github.com/fullstackla/pairing-meetup/issues/127 4) https://github.com/fullstackla/pairing-meetup/issues/125 5) https://github.com/exercism/exercism.io/issues/3228#issuecomment-257933565
  3. I want to try Go: https://github.com/fullstackla/pairing-meetup/issues/1
  4. I am itching to work on a group project but I don't have ideas or friends to start one with: https://github.com/fullstackla/pairing-meetup/issues/134 https://github.com/fullstackla/pairing-meetup/issues/125 https://github.com/fullstackla/pairing-meetup/issues/126

Contributors + stuff you want to work on:

dopatraman commented 7 years ago

@dopatraman - I'll be working on a slackbot that can order pizza

xuhdev commented 7 years ago

For any new contributors: There is a typo in the fullstack LA code of conduct: The word "religion" should be in the sublist of " + offensive verbal comments related to".

machikoyasuda commented 7 years ago

https://github.com/fullstackla/fullstackla.github.io/pull/45 hi @xuhdev we missed you a lot

xuhdev commented 7 years ago

hi @machikoyasuda gonna be there today!

machikoyasuda commented 7 years ago

@dcmoore & @xuhdev & i paired on these commits in Clojure: https://github.com/dcmoore/resilient-integration-workshop/commit/65e2143bc809324f8e71b3d85fd4a4a655e01520


and i learned git diff --cached

and i learned you can change the git authors manually. doesn't show up on github though (yet)