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Talk: A friendly introduction to word embeddings #5

Open jm85martins opened 5 years ago

jm85martins commented 5 years ago


A friendly introduction to word embeddings


We will discuss the limitations of traditional textual data representation methods and explore how we can do better. In the process, we will learn how to encode words into vectors and apply simple arithmetics to discover the secret identity of superheroes from the Marvel Universe and build a cross-language search engine to recommend questions from Quora.com.

Speaker Name

Arian Pasquali

Speaker BIO

Arian Pasquali is a researcher associated to University of Porto and the Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Laboratory at INESC TEC - INESC Technology. He has MSc in Computer Science by the University of Porto with specialization in Data Mining and published research on topics like information retrieval, social media analytics, topic modeling, and summarization. The early years of his career he spent building Enterprise Resource Planning software in Progress, VisualBasic, ActionScript, Objective-C, and Java before moving to the academy to focus on Text Mining. Today his research interests involve machine learning applied to natural language processing, in particular, information retrieval. He also naively hopes to fix fake news.

Speaker Company


jm85martins commented 5 years ago

Occurred at event https://www.meetup.com/Fullstack-Porto/events/258923405/