Open fromsujay opened 5 years ago
I have same problem.
I found a workaround that use map.setOptions
class CustomMap extends React.Component {
onReady(_, map) => {
mapTypeControlOptions: {
position: google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_RIGHT,
render() {
return (
It works for me.
As per this library mapTypeControlOptions is boolean
mapTypeControlOptions: PropTypes.bool
But as pe google map documentation mapTypeControlOptions should be an object.
mapTypeControlOptions: { style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.DROPDOWN_MENU, mapTypeIds: ['roadmap', 'terrain'] }
Please look into this issue
I have same problem.
I found a workaround that use
.class CustomMap extends React.Component { onReady(_, map) => { map.setOptions({ mapTypeControlOptions: { position: google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_RIGHT, }, }); } render() { return ( <Map google={} onReady={this.onReady} /> ); } }
It works for me.
@JunOkumura Thanks for the suggestion. I ended up making a fork of the project and making the correction as I had suggested in the source code myself. The correction works and I have deployed the correction.
I am a beginner at programming, I request you to be patient with me.
Development environment : google-maps-react v2.0.2, react v16.6.1
Problem description : I want to position the horizontal bar for selecting the type of map Plan or Satellite at the bottom_center of the screen. When I mention this as an object as described in Google Maps API documentation or google-maps-react documentation the selection component doesn't move.
I had a look at the source of google-maps-react in the following file : google-maps-react/src/index.js
I found that mapTypeControlOptions has been declared as a boolean whereas it should be an object. If it is declared as an object, this will perhaps correct the problem.
Map.propTypes = { mapTypeControlOptions: PropTypes.bool, };
How do I go about correcting this problem ?
Thanks in advance for your advice.