fullwall / Citizens

An NPC plugin for bukkit.
35 stars 7 forks source link

Spout Support #147

Open TheGurw opened 13 years ago

TheGurw commented 13 years ago

With the new abilities of Spout, it would be possible to do so much more with this plugin!

As an example, you could add in the ability to alter an NPC's skin (as so many of your users would like to see). You could also add in a GUI for editing NPCs, and another for shopping from Traders (with a hook to a major economy plugin that would display your current money). And you could even add in NPCs that speak audibly (using the new ability to add sounds to the game)!

So many possibilities!

aPunch commented 13 years ago

As of this time, fullwall and I agree that supporting Spout would cause more trouble than it it worth. Spout is a rather large thing to code for. We would have to reorganize the code in a way that we don't have much time for at the moment. I'll leave this open for now, but just know that we will likely not support Spout.