Open kozistan opened 2 months ago
Hi! Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad everything is working out.. So I wanted to be clear that I understand.. you want an option for the dialog based GUI menu to have a server transfer the FSMO ROLE to itself? And then the contents of the SYSVOL and NETLOGON shares be copied to the Machine that is to become the primary AD? Correct? (so in your case, your Debian to the Rocky- Make Rocky your primary DC with FSMO role and copied SYSVOL and NETLOGON) It's something I can work in this coming week.. is that OK? I did some research and it seems like something that shouldn't take that long.. Let me know if that's ok. In addition to this, I think I'll use Unison for two way replication moving forward out of the box for all DC's.. I'll work on that too
Hi fumatchu, thanks for reply and yes that that's exactly what i would appreciate to be as part of the installation package. Take your time, no worries and thanks again for you work!
Ok sounds good! You are most welcome! Thank you for giving RADS a try! I'll respond when I have things completed
Hi, wanted to thank you for your great work, it saved my time. I'm just in a process of testing and for now everything looks quiet ok.
I wanted to ask about adding to the script option to migrate fsmo roles, SYSVOL and NETLOGON, in short >> to make it primary AD? My reason to join existing AD was replication of that original I'm running on debian distro.
And next questions: Is anything else needed to be done after the samba ad compilation except rsync of sysvol and transferring fsmo roles to make it primary domain controller?