fumieval / discord-vc-notification

Post a message when someone joins a voice channel
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
15 stars 8 forks source link

Feature request: Support for linux/arm64 #18

Open kitsuyui opened 2 months ago

kitsuyui commented 2 months ago

I have been using your bot for a long time and have been running it on Docker. It's always helpful. Thank you. The environment I'm running is Docker on an M1 Mac. However, I encountered an error when I tried to migrate to another platform.

Environment Information

uname  # => Linux
uname -m  # => aarch64
uname -v  # => #8-Ubuntu SMP Sat Apr 20 02:43:14 UTC 2024
docker run DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN=<your bot token> docker.io/fumieval/discord-vc-notification:0.4.2
docker logs -f (target container id)

Error content

exec /app/discord-vc-notification: exec format error

This seems to be because the Docker image is built for x86_64 and does not work on aarch64.

It would be helpful if you could support linux/arm64 as well as linux/amd64.

kitsuyui commented 2 months ago

I have already forked to https://github.com/kitsuyui/discord-vc-notification and will try to create a Pull Request if I have the time.

kitsuyui commented 2 months ago

Sorry, I didn't notice until I posted this Issue. It was enough to have qemu-user-static installed. If qemu-user-static is installed, Docker can run an image of linux/amd64 on a host of linux/aarm64. In other words, the problem is simply that the image being executed is not optimized for the host. It's not a big problem.