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Follow Amazon API update. #10

Closed fumikito closed 4 years ago

fumikito commented 4 years ago

https://webservices.amazon.com/paapi5/documentation/?ref_=pe_3519780_470445350 https://webservices.amazon.com/paapi5/documentation/migrating-your-product-advertising-api-account-from-your-aws-account.html?ref_=pe_3519780_470445350 https://webservices.amazon.com/paapi5/documentation/migration-guide.html?ref_=pe_3519780_470445350

Hello associate, We would like to inform you that all of your applications making calls to Amazon’s Product Advertising API version 4.0 (PA API 4.0) will need to upgrade to Amazon’s Product Advertising API version 5.0 (PA API 5.0) by March 9, 2020. PA API 5.0 is a more simple, granular, and consistent API that enables you to quickly and easily link your content to Amazon.Key Features & ChangesAccess information about the latest offers and products in the entire Amazon product database/catalog, such as Prime discounts, multi-currency formats, and shipping eligibilityNewer, improved ways to get the most relevant and up to date product informationRapid integration and easier development with lower engineering cost through use of popular tools and languagesYou may continue to use both PA API 4.0 and PA API 5.0 without disruption through March 9, 2020. After that date, we will shut down PA API 4.0, and any application calling it will no longer be able to retrieve Amazon product information.Click here for more information on PA API 5.0. To upgrade to PA API 5.0, please follow BOTH of the two steps below:1. Migrate your AWS account to a Product Advertising API account, if you have not done so already.2. After completing step 1, upgrade each of your applications to PA API 5.0, as per the details here.If you have further questions or problems with the upgrade, please contact us here and include your Store ID.We wish you a happy new year.Sincerely, The Amazon Associates Program