funderburkjim / boesp-prep-sam

Indishe Spruche proofreading for Samada Savardekar
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Space before avagraha? #3

Open funderburkjim opened 3 years ago

funderburkjim commented 3 years ago

The printed text has a space before avagraha, as in this first verse: image

Should we keep or remove that space in our digitization?

My hunch is that Sanskrit usage allows either form (with space ok, without space ok), and thus, since Boehtlingk uses a space, we should maintain his convention and also keep the space.

@sanskritisampada raised this question and thinks the space should be removed.

What do others think?

drdhaval2785 commented 3 years ago

I strongly vote for removal of space before and after avagraha.

funderburkjim commented 3 years ago

@Andhrabharati Do you have an opinion on this?

Andhrabharati commented 3 years ago

I also noticed it at the very beginning when I started proofing the text, but refrained from changing it as I recalled observing it as the usual practice of the western world those days (I saw it it in Weber, Pischel and Boethlingk) whether it is Devanagari print or a transliterated print. We see this in PWG also.

In Indian prints, no space is put before the avagrAha character. If it is there, it is just by error (seen such cases recently in SKD and VCP too).

Except when indicating the symbol alone for demonstrating or teaching purposes, there is never a space after avagrAha (again there are cases against this! a line break after this is in VCP and SKD at places).

Coming back to Ind. Spr., it had few (handful) cases without a space before, as against the 'with space' cases all throughout. I just noted them with a remark, without inserting the space, as I saw some particular commonality in them.

On the whole, I would suggest keeping the space before avagrAha but not after, in the light of my observations above, in these European prints.

funderburkjim commented 3 years ago

Thanks for background information regarding avagraha.

In this case, let's defer to @drdhaval2785's strong vote 'for removal of space before and after avagraha.'

@Andhrabharati -- of course, if you prefer to leave the spaces in your version, I can remove the avagraha spaces later when comparing your version with Sampada's version. But if you remove the spaces, this would slightly simplify my work.

Andhrabharati commented 3 years ago

Incidentally, this practice of 'space before avagrAha' is there in later days transliterated works also, incl. Indian's works as well; see for example SM Katre's works on Panini (Dictionary 5 parts and the Astadhyayi itself).

Andhrabharati commented 3 years ago

Well, if that is what you'd like to opt for, based on the work of Sampada (a long-term associate of CDSL project) and Dhaval (one of the pillars of CDSL project), I can remove those spaces while pushing my file to the repo.

And it is not at all a work, but just a single find/replace operation, removing that space.

Andhrabharati commented 3 years ago

And wish all across CDSL works, this space before and after avagrAha would be removed in the name of consistency (and the 'ruling').