funderburkjim / elispsanskrit

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compare to Huet, perfect participle parasmaipada #24

Open funderburkjim opened 8 years ago

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

This issue summarizes differences and similarities noticed in the comparison of perfect participle parasmaipada ; the methodology is described in the readme for huetcompare/parts-ppfta.

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

stem comparison

huet_stems_ppfta.txt summarizes the stems that appear in perfect participle parasmaipada forms in the SL_parts.xml file from Huet.

pysan_stems_ppfta.txt summarizes the stems that appear in the perfect participle parasmaipada stems of MW-verb-ppfta.txt of the pysan system.

The two lists of stems are compared in compare_stems_ppfta.txt.

This comparison is organized into categories:

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

declension table comparison

huet_decl_tables_ppfta.txt contains 1374 perfect participle parasmaipada declension tables derived from Huet's SL_parts.xml.

Each of these appears on one line of the file.

There is currently no file of pysan generated declension tables for these participles.