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SanskritVerb-Pysan comparison, present tense class 10 base #42

Open funderburkjim opened 7 years ago

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

This is a special subtopic of #41 .

It is based on examination of compare_conj_pre.txt.

Of the 273 roots with conjugation differences in the present tense, almost half (134) are for class 10 roots.

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

In 45 of these cases, the root spelling ends in 'a'.

Despite the fact that we have adjusted root spellings for some of the sanverb class 10 roots spelled with an ending 'a', the verbs represented in the 47 cases are additional cases.

Here are the roots in question:

20 primary roots:
Una  kAla keta  guRa gfha goma grAma citra Cidra Ceda 
tIra tutTa daRqa  duHKa  pAra BAja  mUtra vara sAma sAra

Also, three cases of what appear to be prefixed verbs:
nivAsa  saNgrAma  samAja 

Note: it is ok that there are fewer than 45 roots, as many contribute both Atmanepada and Parasmaipada conjugations.

At least some of these 20 primary roots appear in MW as Denominatives

Here is a sample of the differences in conjugation, for citra:

citra pre 10A:      3s (sanverb) citrayate != citrAyate (pysan)

I think the pysan form citrAyate should be considered wrong, but it remains to decide where the change should be made: in the root spelling or in the algorithm.

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

Here is a small study addressing those '20 primary roots' mentioned above. Some discussion will be made in subsequent comments.

; 20  
; last field is status of equality of the 'meaning' of dhatupatha (3rd field)
; with the meaning acc. to corresponding MW definition
; Y = yes, agrees
; N = No, disagrees
: NF = Not found in MW
; Q = Uncertain about agreement
(H2) ūnaya [p= 221] :
Nom. P. ūnayati (aor. Subj. 2. sg. ūnayīs) to leave deficient, not to fulfil RV. i, 53, 3 ;
to deduct or lessen Pāṇ. Vop. &c   [L=37993]
02:kAla:kAlopadeSe ca iti pfTagDAturityeke:10:0422:u:sew:kAlaya:Y
(H2) kālaya [p= 279] : Nom. P. °yati, to show or announce the time Dhātup. xxxv, 28 (v.l.)  [L=49599]
03:keta:SrAvaRe nimantraRe ca:10:0437:u:sew:ketaya:Y
(H2) ketaya [p= 308] :
Nom. P. °yati, to summon, call or invite MBh. xiii, 1596 ;
to fix or appoint a time L. ;
to counsel or advise W. ;
to hear Vop.   [L=55629]
(H2) guṇaya [p= 358] :
Nom. P. °yati, to multiply VarBṛS. viii, 20 ;
to advise, invite Dhātup. xxxv, 41 (cf. saṁ-.)   [L=65787]
(H2) gṛhaya [p= 362] : Nom. A1. °yate, to grasp Dhātup. xxxv, 45 (cf. gṛbhayat.)  [L=66706]
(H3) go-maya a [p= 366] : mfn. consisting of cattle RV. x, 62, 2  [L=67368]
mfn. defiled with cow-dung R. ii, v  [L=67369]
n. often pl., rarely m. (g. ardharcā*di) cow-dung ṠBr. xii ĀṡvGṛ. Kauṡ. Gobh. Mn. &c  [L=67370]
n. dung VarBṛS. lv, 30  [L=67371]
(H3) go-maya b [p= 366] : (for the sake of euphony shortened for °yaya), Nom. P. °yati, to smear with (cow-dung) Dhātup. xxxv, 24.  [L=67380]
(H2) grāmaya [p= 373] : Nom. P. °yati, to invite Dhātup.  [L=68977]
08:citra:citrIkaraRe kadAciddarSane:10:0459:u:sew:citraya:Y
(H2) citraya [p= 397] :
Nom. °yati, " to make variegated ", decorate MBh. xii, 988 ;
to regard as a wonder Dhātup. xxxv, 63 (Vop. ) ;
to throw a momentary glance ib. ;
to look ib. ;
to be a wonder ib.   [L=73986]
09:Cidra:karRaBedane karaRaBedana ityeke:10:0469:u:sew:Cidraya:Q
(H2) chidraya [p= 406] : Nom. °yati, to perforate Kād. vi, 550.  [L=75962]
Cedaya: key not found
(H2) tīraya [p= 449] : Nom. P. °yati, to finish Dhātup. xxxv, 58.  [L=85547]
(H2) tutthaya [p= 450] : Nom. P. to cover Ṡiṡ. v, 11.  [L=85877]
(H2) daṇḍaya [p= 467] : Nom. °yati, to chastise, punish (with acc. of fine Mn. ix, 234 Pat. on Pāṇ. 1-1, 1 Va1rtt. 12 and 7 Va1rtt. 1 ; on ii, vi, viii cf. i, 4, 51 Siddh. and Vop. v, 6) Mn. viii f. Yājñ. if. MBh. xii &c  [L=89752]
(H3) duḥ°khaya [p= 483] : Nom. P. °yati, (Dhātup. xxxv, 76), id.  [L=93488]
; Not a denominative
(H2) pāraya 1 [p= 619] : °yati » √pṛ, Caus.  [L=122473]
(H2) pāraya 2 [p= 619] : mfn. (fr. prec.) able, adequate, fit for W.  [L=122475]
mfn. satisfying ib. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 738) .  [L=122476]
16:BAja:pfTakkarmaRi:10:0428:u:sew:BAjaya:NF,caus. of Baj
BAjaya: key not found
(H2) mūtraya [p= 826] : Nom. P. °yati (Dhātup. xxxv, 55 ; ep. also A1. °te ; ind.p. mūtrya), to discharge urine, make water against (acc.) MBh. Var. BhP. : Intens. momūtryate Pat. on Pāṇ. 3-1, 22.  [L=166250]
18:vara:IpsAyAm:10:0390:u:sew:varaya:NF,caus. of vf
varaya: key not found
(H2) sāmaya 1 [p= 1205] : (Nom. fr. sāman or fr. artificial √ sām ; for 2. sā*maya » col.3) cl.10 P. sāmayati (aor. asasāmat or asīṣamat), to conciliate, appease, pacify. tranquillize Dhātup. xxxv, 27.  [L=242233]
(H1) sā*maya 2 [p= 1205] : mfn. (for 1. » col.1) connected with or suffering from disease Ṡaṃk.  [L=242366]
(H1) sāraya [p= 1209] : Nom. P. °yati, to be weak (daurbalye) Dhātup. xxxv, 16.  [L=243014]
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

In each case, the first line is drawn from verbdata.

Then data from MW is presented; if Xa is the verbdata root spelling (without anubandha), then the MW data is examined under the headword spelling 'Xaya'. For example, in case 16, the verbdata spelling is BAja and we look for an MW root under spelling BAjaya.

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

Observations on the other three cases: nivAsa saNgrAma samAja.

drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago
09:Cidra:karRaBedane karaRaBedana ityeke:10:0469:u:sew:Cidraya:Q
(H2) chidraya [p= 406] : Nom. °yati, to perforate Kād. vi, 550.  [L=75962]

Change to A. Seems to agree. I didn't get what was questionable.

drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago

In these cases, the cauasl of the MW verbs Cid, Baj, vf matches the verbdata forms, both in sense and spelling.

Not the same thing. They are enumerated separately as a 10th class verb in all dhAtuvRttis. They are not the same as causal of some other verb.

drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago

3 cases, the MW record has a root, but it is uncertain whether the meanings match

I guess, we should force match. Whether the meaning agrees or not - the forms would be the same nevertheless.

drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago

samAja This is a spelling error in verbdata


funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

I guess, we should force match

This seems reasonable. The point about 09 Cidra was simply that I could not see how meaning karRaBedane karaRaBedana ityeke of sanskritverb could match to perforate from MW.

@drdhaval2785 Do you have any theory as to why MW would present these verbs as denominatives ?

drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago

No theories as of now with me.