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SanskritVerb-Pysan comparison, present tense class 10 base, part 2 #43

Open funderburkjim opened 7 years ago

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

This study discusses some class10 forms, where either sanverb has two stems for present tense, or pysan has two stems for present tense; AND where the two systems disagree on the stems. Since pysan leans heavily on Kale, references to the Kale Dhatukosha for the class 10 forms is shown.

An example of the first line in each case shown below is:

paw:pawa:pAwa,pawa # pawa:granTe:10:0394:u:sew # pawa:BAzArTaH:10:0282:u:sew

This is interpreted as follows:

X # Y # Y1 ...

where X has 3 fields:

and each Y is an extract of fields from verbdata (from SanskritVerb), with fields:

There are 15 roots discussed. (Note: This listing ignores the padas used; when the multiple padas are taken into account, as well as repetition of roots with different 'numbers', there are 37 cases in compare_conj_pre.txt corresponding to these 15 roots)

The following sections divide these roots in a few sub-cases, which seem similar.

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

multiple pysan stems supported by Kale

These deserve attention in SanskritVerb

aMs:aMsa:aMsApa,aMsa # aMsa:samAGAte:10:0460:u:sew 
  Kale DK: like aMS. 
  # aMS (viBAjane, to distribute.) aMSayati (also aMSApayati)
  So infer for aMs:
  # aMs (viBAjane, to distribute.) aMsayati (also aMsApayati)

kal:kala:kAla,kala # kala:gatO saNKyAne ca:10:0404:u:sew # kala:kzepe:10:0093:u:sew 
  Kale DK:
  "kal", # (gatO saMKyAne ca, to go, to count) kalayati
         # (kzepe, to throw) kAlayati

paw:pawa:pAwa,pawa # pawa:granTe:10:0394:u:sew # pawa:BAzArTaH:10:0282:u:sew
  Kale DK:
  "paw", # (granTe, to clothe,to envelop) pawayati
         # (BAzAYaM vezwaRe ca, to speak, to cover) pAwayati

puw:puwa:powa,puwa # puwa:saMsarge:10:0455:u:sew # puwa:BAzArTaH:10:0094:u:sew
  Kale DK:
  "puw", # (saMsarge, to bind together) (puwayati)
         # (BAzAyAM dIptO ca, to speak, to shine, to reduce to powder) powayati

laj:laja:lAja,laja # laj:vrIqAyAm vrIqe:10:0016:A:sew # laja:prakASane:10:0463:u:sew # laja:apavAraRe ityeke:10:0010:u:sew
  Kale DK:
   Kale: vrIqane  is class 6.
  "laj", # (prakASane, to appear) lajayati
         # (apavAraRe, to conceal) lAjayati

vas:vasa:vAsa,vasa # vasa:nivAse:10:0488:u:sew
  Kale DK:
  "vas", # (snehacCedApaharaRezu, to love, to cut, to take away) vAsayati
         # (nivAse, to dwell) vasayati

SaW:SaWa:SAWa,SaWa # SaWa:samyagavaBAzaRe:10:0392:u:sew # SaWa:asaMskAragatyoH:10:0041:A:sew # SaWa:SlAGAyAm:10:0214:A:sew
  Kale DK:
  "SaW", # (samyagavaBAzaRe, to speak ill or well, to deceive) SaWayati
         # (asaMskAragatyoH, to leave unfinished, to go) SAWayati
         # (SlAGAyAM, to flatter) SAWayate
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

sanverb multiple forms, not supported by Kale

These may suggest changes to SanskritVerb

kzap:kzApa,kzapa:kzapa # kzap:preraRe:10:0487:u:sew # kzap:mit iti BojaH:10:0935:pa:sew
  Kale@400: to send. 'kzapa' only
  Kale DK:
  "kzap", # (kzepe preraRe ca, to send, to direct) kzapayati

dal:dAla,dala:dAla # dal:vidAraRe mit iti BojaH 1929:10:0281:u:sew
  Kale DK:
  "dal", # (vidAraRe, to tear) dAlayati
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

sanverb multiple form, supported by Kale.

These need revision in pysan

ci:capa,caya:cAya # ci:BAzArTaH ca:10:0325:u:sew # ci:cayane:10:0005:u:sew
  Kale DK:
  "ci", # (, to gather)  cayayti, capayati
  class 5: cayane, to heap up, to collect.  

Additional comment: There are actually two class 10 roots mentioned in verbdata:

ci:BAzArTaH ca:ci:10:0325:u:sew:चि॑:1212:1226::ci3_ci_curAxiH+BARArWaH:

The SanskritVerb present tense conjugations have forms cAyayati for the first root (10:0325), and forms capayati, cayayati for the second root (10:0005).

In KaleDK, only the second class 10 forms are found. Thus Kale and SanskritVerb disagree here.

Pysan has (thus far) been adjusted to agree with KaleDK.

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

no matching Kale Dhatukosha verb was found

Not clear how to deal with these cases, tho. some individual suggestions are made.

kuR:kuRa:koRa,kuRa # kuRa:AmantraRe:10:0435:u:sew  
  Kale DK: not found

kfp:kfpa:kfpA,kfpa # kfp:avakalkane miSrIkaraRa ityeke cintana ityanye:10:0278:u:sew # kfpa:dOrbalye:10:0408:u:sew
kfp:kalpa:kfpA,kfpa # kfp:avakalkane miSrIkaraRa ityeke cintana ityanye:10:0278:u:sew # kfpa:dOrbalye:10:0408:u:sew
These two better written as:
kfp:kalpa,kfpa:kfpA,kfpa # kfp:avakalkane miSrIkaraRa ityeke cintana ityanye:10:0278:u:sew # kfpa:dOrbalye:10:0408:u:sew
  Kale DK: not found
  MW   class10 'to mourn';  to be weak  (also cf. kfpAya and krap)
The sanverb 'kalpa' looks like it pertains to root 'kxp'.  Is this sanskritverb error?

gad:gada:gAda,gada # gada:devaSabde:10:0399:u:sew
Probable need to remove 'gAda' from the pysan stems.
  Kale DK: not found
   cl.1 (vyatAyAm vAci, to speak. Cau. gAdayati)
  MW: cl.10 gadayati, to thunder

smi:smApa,smAya:smAya # smi:anAdare ityeke:10:0058:u:sew
  Kale DK:  smi not in class 10
  In class1, (IzadDasane ?, to smile, to bloom)  Cau. smAyayati, smApayate
  MW shows smAyayati and smApayati as Causal forms.
drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago
aMs:aMsa:aMsApa,aMsa # aMsa:samAGAte:10:0460:u:sew 
  Kale DK: like aMS. 
  # aMS (viBAjane, to distribute.) aMSayati (also aMSApayati)
  So infer for aMs:
  # aMs (viBAjane, to distribute.) aMsayati (also aMsApayati)

These are not attested. Kale has enumerated abnormal forms at the start of the gaNa. It is not applicable to all the verbs. capture

The various justifications are as below. - सत्यम् आचष्ते सत्यापयति। अर्थवेदसत्यानाम् आपुग् वक्तव्यः। अर्थम् आचष्ते अर्थापयति। देवापयति। Therefore only two such verb forms अर्थापयति / देवापयति are justified by this rule. - बहुवचनाद् वटिलजिप्रभृतीनाम् (10305,306) अकारान्तागमो भवतीति द्रमिडाः वण्टापयति, लज्जापयति Two further attested - वण्टापयति, लज्जापयति

There are no rules which justify their application to other verb forms. I will have to check. Asked in whatsapp grammar group.

UPDATE - Got the backing. This is applicable to all the adanta verbs.


प्रकाशे ( लजयति ) अत्र मैत्रेयः वटेः पुनः पाठोऽर्थभेदात् वटि लजि इत्येके ( वण्टयति लञ्जयति ) अदन्तेषु पाठबलाददन्तत्त्वे वृद्धिरित्यपरे ( वण्टापयति लञ्जापयति ) तथा च शाकटायनसूत्रम् "कथादिपाथिस्फायो णौ पुग्लुग्वत्वम्'' इति अस्यार्थः--कथादीनां पाथेश्च णौ पुग् लुग् इत्येतावागमौ स्फायोऽन्त्यस्य वत्वं क्रमेणेति एवञ्च शाकटायनमतेन कथादीनामागमे पुकि वृद्धौ कथापयतीत्युदाहार्य्यम् 374

drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago
kal:kala:kAla,kala # kala:gatO saNKyAne ca:10:0404:u:sew # kala:kzepe:10:0093:u:sew 
  Kale DK:
  "kal", # (gatO saMKyAne ca, to go, to count) kalayati
         # (kzepe, to throw) kAlayati

These two are indeed separate verbs having separate forms. See कल

गतौ, संख्याने च ( कलयति ) कालयतीति क्षेपे गतम् कलतीति शपि 313

paw:pawa:pAwa,pawa # pawa:granTe:10:0394:u:sew # pawa:BAzArTaH:10:0282:u:sew
  Kale DK:
  "paw", # (granTe, to clothe,to envelop) pawayati
         # (BAzAYaM vezwaRe ca, to speak, to cover) pAwayati

puw:puwa:powa,puwa # puwa:saMsarge:10:0455:u:sew # puwa:BAzArTaH:10:0094:u:sew
  Kale DK:
  "puw", # (saMsarge, to bind together) (puwayati)
         # (BAzAyAM dIptO ca, to speak, to shine, to reduce to powder) powayati

Same situation. The BAzArTaH verb is different.

drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago
vas:vasa:vAsa,vasa # vasa:nivAse:10:0488:u:sew
  Kale DK:
  "vas", # (snehacCedApaharaRezu, to love, to cut, to take away) vAsayati
         # (nivAse, to dwell) vasayati Separate verbs.

drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago
laj:laja:lAja,laja # laj:vrIqAyAm vrIqe:10:0016:A:sew # laja:prakASane:10:0463:u:sew # laja:apavAraRe ityeke:10:0010:u:sew
  Kale DK:
   Kale: vrIqane  is class 6.
  "laj", # (prakASane, to appear) lajayati
         # (apavAraRe, to conceal) lAjayati

Separate. No change needed. o!lajI! in 6th class.

drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago
SaW:SaWa:SAWa,SaWa # SaWa:samyagavaBAzaRe:10:0392:u:sew # SaWa:asaMskAragatyoH:10:0041:A:sew # SaWa:SlAGAyAm:10:0214:A:sew
  Kale DK:
  "SaW", # (samyagavaBAzaRe, to speak ill or well, to deceive) SaWayati
         # (asaMskAragatyoH, to leave unfinished, to go) SAWayati
         # (SlAGAyAM, to flatter) SAWayate

There are three verbs. श्लाघायाम्‌ is आकुस्मादात्मनेपदिनः. Instead, असंस्कारगत्योः is shown as आत्मनेपदी. Needs correction in SanskritVerb.

Done in #965

drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago


Both these forms are validated by one rule in gaNapATha. It is optional in the opinion of भोजः. dalivaliskhaliraṇidhvanitrapikṣapayaśceti bhojaḥ (ga) iti mittvam

drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago


1 kuR - A valid form is kuRayati. Sanverb is OK. कुण गुण च,आमन्त्रणे - चकारात्केतोऽपि आमन्त्रणं गूढोक्तिः संकेतयति, कुणयति, गुणयति, अचुकुणत्, अजुगुणत् तुदादौ (646) कुणति, अचूकुणत्, कूण संकोचने (10136)-विकूणयते मुखम् 336,337

2 - sanverb 'kalpa' looks like it pertains to root 'kxp'. No. This is done by a special Paninian sUtra. The root is 'kfp' only. कृपो रो लः (8.2.18) is the rule which converts 'f' to 'x'. So in dhatupatha form, it is 'kfp'. Other conventions may convert it to 'kxp'. If this is Kale's viewpoint, that has to be force matched.

3 - gad This is proper dhAtupATha verb. स्तनगदी देवशब्दे द्विवचनिर्देशो वैचित्र्यार्थ इति मैत्रेयः अज्दन्_यपरा इति षोपदेशलक्षणं स्मिङ्स्विधाद्येकाच्साहचर्यादनेकाक्षु न प्रवर्तते ( स्तनयति अतस्तनत् ) ( तिस्तनयिषति ) इत्यत्राषोपदेशत्त्वात् षत्त्वं न भवति अभिनिस्तनो मेघस्येत्यत्र अभिनष्टतिवन्नायं शब्दविशेषस्य संज्ञेति "अभिनिसःस्तन'' इति षत्त्वं न भवति ( गदयति स्तनयति) गदतीति शपि (स्तनयित्नुः) "स्तनिहृषिपुषिगदिमदिभ्योर्णेरित्नुच्'' इति इत्नुच्, "अयामन्त'' इत्ययादेशः 318

4 smi mAdhavIyadhAtuvRtti gives it as an alternate member of curAdi gaNa. See the last line (अयमनादरे चुरादिः). ष्मिङ् ईषद्धसने एतदादयः स्वरन्त्यन्ता अनुदात्ता आत्मनेपदिनः (स्मयते सिष्मिये सिष्मियिढ्वे सिष्मियिध्वेसिष्मिये सिष्मियिवहे) "अचि श्नुधातु'' इत्यादिना इयङ् ( स्मेता स्मेष्यतेस्मयताम् अस्मयत स्मयेत स्मेषीष्ट अस्मेष्ट सिष्मयिष्यते) "स्तौतिण्योरेव'' इत्यषत्वम् "स्मिपूङ्रञ्ज्वशां सनि'' इतीट्, ( सेष्मीयते सेष्मेति ) ( मुण्डो विस्मापयते असिष्मपत् ) "नित्यं स्मयतेः'' इति हेत्वेककारके स्मयत्यर्थे आत्वं, तत्र पुक्, "भीस्म्योर्हेतुभये'' इति हेत्वेककारयोर्नित्यं तङ् अत्र भयग्रहणं चित्तविकारोपलक्षणं, तेन बिभेतेर्हेतुभये स्मयतेर्हेतुस्मय इत्यर्थो भवति यदा तु हेतुत एव स्मयो न भवति तदात्वं न, नापि तङ्नियम इति ( मुण्डो रूपेण विस्माययतीति भवति ) ( स्मेरं ) मुखम् "नमिकम्पि'' इति रः स्मित्वा स्मितम् ) अयमनादरे चुरादिः 929 Also see the same commentary on the verb 'smiw' स्मिट अनादरे ( स्मेटयति असिस्मिटत् ) स्मिङ् इत्येकइति मैत्रेयः ( स्माययते ) अवयवे कृतं लिङ्गमिति न्यायेन ण्यन्तस्य ङित्त्वादात्मनेपदम् आत्वं स्मायतेरिति निर्द्देशाद्धेतुमण्णै विधानाच्च नास्य भवति शाकटायनस्त्वट स्मिट गताविति टान्तप्रकरणे पपाठ स्मयतइतीषद्धासे शपि 39 Here also it is recorded that 'smiN' is used in anAdare.

Thus these four explanations may be considered as enough to force match them.

drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago

@funderburkjim This ends my comments on individual verb differences in both databases.

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

These are not attested. Kale has enumerated abnormal forms at the start of the gaNa.It is not applicable to all the verbs.

Right, I got that.

My comment on aMs is from the Dhatukosha Appendix of Kale, which supports the two class 10 stems aMsApa and aMsa.

Your justifications are currently beyond my ability to understand, but it's nice to have them - maybe sometime I will know what they are saying.

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

Regarding 'kfp' - I wonder why Kale Dhatukosha does not have this.

drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago

@funderburkjim, The explanations I have quoted are commentary of mAdhavIyadhAtuvRtti. They justify the existence of these verbs in $verbdata.