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abch: missing 1st line of verse 39 #13

Closed funderburkjim closed 1 year ago

funderburkjim commented 1 year ago
;; marudevA grandmother of arhat fzaBa
;; vijayA mother of 2nd Arhat
;; lakzmaRA  mother of 8th arhat;
;; MISSING first line of verse 39.
;;   मरुदेवा विजया सेना सिद्डार्था अ मङला .    <<< insert
tataH susImA pfTvI lakzmaRA rAmA tataH param .. 39 ..
nandA vizRurjayA SyAmA suyaSAH suvratAcirA .
SrIrdevI praBAvatI ca padmA vaprA SivA taTA .. 40 ..
vAmA triSalA kramataH pitaro mAtaro'rhatAm .

Looks like the line shown needs to be inserted.. @drdhaval2785 Agree?

drdhaval2785 commented 1 year ago

I completely agree with you. In fact, this correction was made in my file. Attaching the new file with some minor corrections. You may use this revised file. abch1.txt

funderburkjim commented 1 year ago

spelling error.

using revised abch1 of previous comment.

At line 901 (verse 169),

तिर्यग्दिशां तु पतय इन्द्राग्नियमर्नैर्ॠताः ।    <<< PROBLEM 
          SOLUTION: इन्द्राग्नियमनैरॄताः   OR  इन्द्राग्नियमनैरृताः
वरुणो वायुकुबेरावीशानश्च यथाक्रमम् ॥ १६९ ॥

Note: This was noticed in conversion of abch1 (devanagari) to abch (slp1). In the round trip, there are a small number of discrepancies. related to semi-vowel 'r' followed by vowels 'f' or 'F' (SLP1). This is probably a side-issue of transcoding. It was just an accident that this discrepancy surfaced the problem.

@drdhaval2785 will leave the revision to abch1 to you.

funderburkjim commented 1 year ago

two changes

See the commit 317d1a5

  1. इन्द्राग्नियमनैरृताः (mentioned above)
  2. Insert missing <LEND>
drdhaval2785 commented 1 year ago
