funderburkjim / kosha-dev

Develop xml and html for anekArthaka and samAnArthaka Sanskrit dictionaries
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Basic display observation 1 #2

Closed drdhaval2785 closed 1 year ago

drdhaval2785 commented 1 year ago

@funderburkjim It is quite nice to see the Sanskrit koshas into action, so quickly. Thank you. I am noting the observations which I feel are important.

Unnecessary display of other headwords

When I search for 'ka' in the basic display, the current display shows 'Sloka' and 'loka' too alongwith the searched 'ka'. These two are unnecessary and confusing. We should remove them.



drdhaval2785 commented 1 year ago

Current display for search 'sUrya'


Expected result

सूर्य [Printed book page 140]
क-पुं meaning(s) सूर्य,वेधस्

सूर्ये वेधसि वायौ कः कं सुखे मस्तके जले ।
अनुष्टुब्यशसोः श्लोको लोकस्तु भुवने जने ॥ १ ॥

पतङ्ग-पुं meaning(s) पक्षिन्,सूर्य

पतङ्गौ पक्षिसूर्यौ च पूगः क्रमुकवृन्दयोः ।
सारङ्गश्चातके भृङ्गे कुञ्जरे हरिणेऽपि च ॥ ८ ॥
[Printed book page 150]
इन-पुं meaning(s) स्वामिन्,सूर्य

वनं जले कानने स्याद्भुवनं विष्टपे जले ।
इनः स्वामिनि सूर्ये च जिनोऽर्हद्बुद्धविष्णुषु ॥ ५२ ॥
चित्रभानु-पुं meaning(s) सूर्य,वह्नि
भानु-पुं meaning(s) सूर्य,मयूख

चित्रभानू सूर्यवह्नी भानुः सूर्यमयूखयोः ।
शिखी वह्नौ मयूरे च पत्त्रिणौ शरपक्षिणौ ॥ ५५ ॥
[Printed book page 152]
हरि-पुं meaning(s) सूर्य,चन्द्र,यम,विष्णु,वासव,दर्दुर,हय,मृगेन्द्र,वानर,वायु

सूर्ये चन्द्रे यमे विष्णौ वासवे दर्दुरे हये ।
मृगेन्द्रे वानरे वायौ दशस्वपि हरिः स्मृतः ॥ ७३ ॥
gasyoun commented 1 year ago

It is quite nice to see the Sanskrit koshas into action

@drdhaval2785 was waiting for a few years, I believe. So I'm happy for him being happy.

funderburkjim commented 1 year ago

@drdhaval2785 revised

This problem could be solved either at the xml level or the html level. The above is a solution at xml level.

I have not pushed this (or any other) change -- If you like this solution, will let you use this revised version, and push.

The differences are:

revised xml record for ka

 <entrydetail><s>sUrye veDasi vAyO kaH kaM suKe mastake jale .</s></entrydetail>
 <entrydetail><s>anuzwubyaSasoH Sloko lokastu Buvane jane .. 1 ..</s></entrydetail>

display for 'ka' with this revision.


The cologne display not revised. Will sync with kosha-dev after your revision.

drdhaval2785 commented 1 year ago

Just a brief note. I will not be able to attend to this before March end.

funderburkjim commented 1 year ago

Is it ok if I push this change through -- will that interfere with changes you have made?

funderburkjim commented 1 year ago

I am going to push this change through, as well as other changes, rather than wait until end of March.

drdhaval2785 commented 1 year ago

The changes you pushed are unlikely to affect my work. I am working in a fork of this repository and working in v1.