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Nominals of 1 stem ending in dental consonant #36

Open funderburkjim opened 5 years ago

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

General comment regarding nominals ending in consonant with 1 stem

From the MW list of nominals (lexnorm-all2), there are about 4000 entries which:

In addition, this exposition has previously identified the 1-stem nominals ending in s, in three cases

Naming scheme for the models

For a nominal ending in a consonant which is declined according to one of the various 1-stem models, the model name has the general form <gender>_1_<consonant>. For example m_1_t, f_1_c, n_1_d.

list of all 1-stem nominals from MW

analyze_1cons.txt lists all of the MW headwords which are identified as having declensions according to the 1-stem model; spellings use SLP1 transliteration. analyze_1cons_iast.txt is the same list but in IAST spelling.

This list is

number of occurrences for dental endings

From this file,

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

The general principle of declension

The general rule for declining these 1-stem nouns is to join the citation form of the noun to a given fixed set of endings, and to use various rules of sandhi in this joining process.

General masculine/feminine endings

The endings are the same for the masculine and feminine:

Case S D P
Nominative O aH
Accusative am O aH
Instrumental A ByAm BiH
Dative e ByAm ByaH
Ablative aH ByAm ByaH
Genitive aH oH Am
Locative i oH su
Vocative O aH

neuter endings

Case S D P
Nominative I i
Accusative I i
Instrumental A ByAm BiH
Dative e ByAm ByaH
Ablative aH ByAm ByaH
Genitive aH oH Am
Locative i oH su
Vocative I i

The neuter endings are :

Many variations of the general rule

There are numerous changes to the general rule due to:

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

The case of final consonant d

The only special rules here are:

Declension of nud with m_1_d, f_1_d models:

Case S D P
Nominative nut nudO nudaH
Accusative nudam nudO nudaH
Instrumental nudA nudByAm nudBiH
Dative nude nudByAm nudByaH
Ablative nudaH nudByAm nudByaH
Genitive nudaH nudoH nudAm
Locative nudi nudoH nutsu
Vocative nut nudO nudaH

Declension of nud in n_1_d model

Case S D P
Nominative nut nudI nundi
Accusative nut nudI nundi
Instrumental nudA nudByAm nudBiH
Dative nude nudByAm nudByaH
Ablative nudaH nudByAm nudByaH
Genitive nudaH nudoH nudAm
Locative nudi nudoH nutsu
Vocative nut nudI nundi
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

The case of final consonant D

The special rules here are:

Declension of vfD with m_1_D, f_1_D models:

vfD only appears in MW list at the end of compounds.

Case S D P
Nominative vft vfDO vfDaH
Accusative vfDam vfDO vfDaH
Instrumental vfDA vfdByAm vfdBiH
Dative vfDe vfdByAm vfdByaH
Ablative vfDaH vfdByAm vfdByaH
Genitive vfDaH vfDoH vfDAm
Locative vfDi vfDoH vftsu
Vocative vft vfDO vfDaH

Declension of n_1_D vfD

Case S D P
Nominative vft vfDI vfnDi
Accusative vft vfDI vfnDi
Instrumental vfDA vfdByAm vfdBiH
Dative vfDe vfdByAm vfdByaH
Ablative vfDaH vfdByAm vfdByaH
Genitive vfDaH vfDoH vfDAm
Locative vfDi vfDoH vftsu
Vocative vft vfDI vfnDi

declension of buD

Compounds ending in buD have an additional wrinkle:
In the 'empty' ending forms, before ending 'su', and before the 'B' endings, the initial 'b' of the base is aspirated to become 'B'.
This is confirmed by Whitney Section 391b for buD; Huet also confirms for buD, baD, and bAD.

Declension of m_1_D buD

Case S D P
Nominative But buDO buDaH
Accusative buDam buDO buDaH
Instrumental buDA BudByAm BudBiH
Dative buDe BudByAm BudByaH
Ablative buDaH BudByAm BudByaH
Genitive buDaH buDoH buDAm
Locative buDi buDoH Butsu
Vocative But buDO buDaH

Declension of n_1_D buD

Case S D P
Nominative But buDI bunDi
Accusative But buDI bunDi
Instrumental buDA BudByAm BudBiH
Dative buDe BudByAm BudByaH
Ablative buDaH BudByAm BudByaH
Genitive buDaH buDoH buDAm
Locative buDi buDoH Butsu
Vocative But buDI bunDi
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

The case of final consonant t

The special rules here are:

Declension of f_1_t sarit

Case S D P
Nominative sarit saritO saritaH
Accusative saritam saritO saritaH
Instrumental saritA saridByAm saridBiH
Dative sarite saridByAm saridByaH
Ablative saritaH saridByAm saridByaH
Genitive saritaH saritoH saritAm
Locative sariti saritoH saritsu
Vocative sarit saritO saritaH

Declension of n_1_t jagat

Case S D P
Nominative jagat jagatI jaganti
Accusative jagat jagatI jaganti
Instrumental jagatA jagadByAm jagadBiH
Dative jagate jagadByAm jagadByaH
Ablative jagataH jagadByAm jagadByaH
Genitive jagataH jagatoH jagatAm
Locative jagati jagatoH jagatsu
Vocative jagat jagatI jaganti
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

The case of final consonant T

The special rules here are:

Declension of m_1_T maT

Case S D P
Nominative mat maTO maTaH
Accusative maTam maTO maTaH
Instrumental maTA madByAm madBiH
Dative maTe madByAm madByaH
Ablative maTaH madByAm madByaH
Genitive maTaH maToH maTAm
Locative maTi maToH matsu
Vocative mat maTO maTaH

Declension of n_1_T maT

Case S D P
Nominative mat maTI manTi
Accusative mat maTI manTi
Instrumental maTA madByAm madBiH
Dative maTe madByAm madByaH
Ablative maTaH madByAm madByaH
Genitive maTaH maToH maTAm
Locative maTi maToH matsu
Vocative mat maTI manTi

Question re su-paT

MW entry: su—path m. (nom. -panthās) a good path, VS. ; ŚBr. ; Kāv. Our algorithm would show nom. singular of -pat.
It may be that the correct declension should follow that of the irregularly declined paTin (our system does not yet incorporate this irregularity for paTin. See Huet's entry for correct form of paTin .); Also see Kale, p. 79.

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago


This is the only entry of a nominal ending in n in MW: taj—ja—lān a mfn. produced, absorbed and breathing in that, ChUp. iii, 14, 1.

I've found no guidance in any source for this declension. Hence it remains unhandled by the declension algorithms.