funderburkjim / testing

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test of greek phi #41

Open funderburkjim opened 1 year ago

funderburkjim commented 1 year ago
; <L>21881<pc>125,2<k1>ahirbuDnyas (1 lines changed)
78622 old <s>a/hir buDnya^s</s> ¦ <ab>nom.</ab> <ab>sg.</ab> <lex>m.</lex> (<ab>instr.</ab> 
<s>a/hinA buDnye/na</s>, <ls>RV. iv, 55, 6</ls>) = 
<lang n="greek">ὄφις</lang> 
<lang n="greek">Πύθων</lang>, t
he serpent of the deep (enumerated in <ls>Naigh. v, 4</ls> and <ls>Nir. x, 44</ls> among the divinities of the middle region, the abyss in which he lives being that of the region of mist), <ls>RV.</ls>; <ls>VS. x, 19</ls><info lex="m"/>
78622 new <s>a/hir buDnya^s</s> ¦ <ab>nom.</ab> <ab>sg.</ab> <lex>m.</lex> (<ab>instr.</ab> 
<s>a/hinA buDnye/na</s>, <ls>RV. iv, 55, 6</ls>) = 
<lang n="greek">ὄϕις</lang> 
<lang n="greek">Πύθων</lang>, 
the serpent of the deep (enumerated in <ls>Naigh. v, 4</ls> and <ls>Nir. x, 44</ls> among the divinities of the middle region, the abyss in which he lives being that of the region of mist), <ls>RV.</ls>; <ls>VS. x, 19</ls><info lex="m"/>

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