fungidube / Chuma

Google Fonts Project Prototype 2.0
SIL Open Font License 1.1
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Contour improvements #6

Closed LisaHuang2017 closed 1 week ago

LisaHuang2017 commented 9 months ago

I’ve been noticing some missing extrema points, which could help a lot in improving the shapes because having these brings control over the contours + they are necessary to avoid issues with the rendering of the font.

An example here with letter /n (from the status of HuMambo from Dec. 8, 2023):

I’ve also added some points to have segments that are seemingly straight, if that is the intention?

LisaHuang2017 commented 9 months ago

Also, starting points should be at the most bottom left part of a contour (not done on previous screenshots, see screenshots below). To do that, you need to right click on the desired point > Make Node First.

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LisaHuang2017 commented 9 months ago

What you can do is also to select the contour that needs to have extrema points > go to Path on the top menu > Add Extremes. And Glyphs d

Capture d’écran 2023-12-08 à 11 48 08

oes that for you wherever it is needed :)