Edit the source of basic_guest.c and basic_host.cpp to:
include "cr.h"
Open up windows terminal (cmd.exe)
and navigate to you working directory.
for example: CD /D C:\Documents\myWorkingFolder
Execute vcvarsXX.bat in your cmd.
Build the remaining *.bat files.
If changes were made to the guest.c source
Save the fileand Rebuild the source from cmd.
cl /c basic_guest.c
link basic_guest.obj /DLL
cl /DCR_DEPLOY_PATH=\"./\" /EHsc basic_host.cpp
DEL *.dll *.obj *.lib *.exp *.exe
Further consideration: currently the naming convention of the .dll files increments with every build. Fortunately its easy to change this behaivor and use only two states of guest .dll (old and new, a and b or 0 and 1 ) and switch between the edited content with every new build.
include "cr.h"
Further consideration: currently the naming convention of the .dll files increments with every build. Fortunately its easy to change this behaivor and use only two states of guest .dll (old and new, a and b or 0 and 1 ) and switch between the edited content with every new build.