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Define terminal keybindings in .inputrc instead of .Xmodmap #14

Open funguscolander opened 4 years ago

funguscolander commented 4 years ago

The keybinds probably will not be used outside of the GNU Readline applications so there is no need for them to be defined session-wide (.Xmodmap is session-wide, right?). The same issue is currently present in C-Fergus/winfiles where the Windows ahk script remaps the keys globally.

Format of .inputrc keybindings can be found here.

Should .bashrc or .inputrc start with set -o vi? Or somewhere else (this sets bindings to vim instead of the default emacs).

xmodmap -pke shows current Xmodmap keybindings.

Keybinds can also be set by modifying the X keyboard.

funguscolander commented 4 years ago

Should probably leave vim bindings in .Xmodmap because other non-GNU readline programs use vim bindings and this makes them transferrable.