funilrys / PyFunceble

The tool to check the availability or syntax of domain, IP or URL.
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DOC: Moving away from restructured text #340

Open funilrys opened 1 year ago

funilrys commented 1 year ago

For a long time, I adopted the reStructured Text format for the documentation and READMEs. I now believe it has been an error and we should fix that.

I also believe that a mkdocs formatted documentation is more appealing for everyone: End-Users, Contributors, and Developers. Therefore, I started a new branch named switch-to-mkdocs which we should use for the documentation - until it gets merged into the dev branch.

If you want to see, what it looks like - right now, feel free to execute the following:

git checkout switch-to-mkdocs
pip3 install --user -r
mkdocs serve

You are free and welcome to comment on this issue with:

from the READMEs or documentation.


funilrys commented 1 year ago
spirillen commented 6 months ago

Why not just use the gh wiki?? it is the same structure and you only need to transform month of my works once!

funilrys commented 6 months ago

It's also a syntax conversion a lot of things won't change.

I also want the documentation to be a bit more "modern" looking. Right now, we can't embed any example asciinema videos ... 😞

See by yourself how it looks now:

git checkout switch-to-mkdocs
# activate environemt
virtualenv -p python3 venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .[full]
# Serve documentation locally.
mkdocs serve
# Open Documentation with browser.
spirillen commented 6 months ago

Not spend a lot on this one, but ran into this error

mkdocs serve
Error: MkDocs encountered an error parsing the configuration file: while constructing a Python object
cannot find module 'material.extensions.emoji' (No module named 'material.extensions')
in "$SOME_PATH/funilrys/pyfunceble/mkdocs.yml", line 48, column 20
funilrys commented 6 months ago

Nice catch. I really need to start testing everything inside a container ...

funilrys commented 6 months ago

Patch is on its way.

spirillen commented 6 months ago

A short first hand impression... :unamused: The white background is a killer. I would also recommend using a background color in the banner of the same green as your logo.

Browsing structure... not worse, but images are not loaded as you might have expected


These are only first hand impression, and I will spend some time reviewing the code in competition of JetBrains witerside, Yet another markdown tool that allows you to do a lot of cool stuff(config) and controlling the behavior. (Free tool), this again in competition to the YouTrack(paid version, but no diff to free version) knowledge base, which includes a issue board that can interact with Github/Gitlab issues. And a helpdesk Requires login, but the submitform is HTML based and is designed to be included in any other html based page.

The preview should be available at (Once the accessibility have been solved by JetBrains support)

spirillen commented 6 months ago

@funilrys You can download and have a preview for the docs written with the writerside tool, the page I have been playing the most with is lookup.html where you can see examples of features I'm not aware of should be available to mkdocs.

Next I will fill the gh wiki for comparison

Please let me know what you choose as I might be open for helping transferring the docs into new format

UPDATE: Dropped the WIKI, it just sucks...