funilrys / PyFunceble

The tool to check the availability or syntax of domain, IP or URL.
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FEATURE: Timestamp in CLI output #361

Open spirillen opened 3 months ago

spirillen commented 3 months ago


When I'm testing my sources, the test always stalls at some point, So to be able to see when this happens, it could be very very nice to have one of or even both:

  1. timestamp (first column H:M:ss)
  2. + test line number OR better, which file is being tested. This will allow to remove already tested sources, when you need to restart the test.


pyfunceble --output-location ./ -f ad_servers.txt emd.txt exp.txt fsa.txt grm.txt hjk.txt mmt.txt pha.txt psh.txt pup.txt

if the screen output say the file in test is grm.txt, then you can safely remove all sources listed before grm.txt

Possible Solution

testID Subject Status Source Expiration Date Registrar HTTP Code Checker Timestamp

001 ACTIVE COLLECTION Unknown Unknown 404 AVAILABILITY 16:48:00 002 ACTIVE COLLECTION Unknown Unknown 500 AVAILABILITY 16:48:01

Considered Alternative

retest retest retest, already tested sources

Additional context

Most use full for human test interactions