funkjedi / acf-qtranslate

Adds qTranslate compatible fields for Text, Text Area, Wysiwyg Editor and Image.
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ACF 5.7.x compatibility ? #119

Closed tmconnect closed 5 years ago

tmconnect commented 5 years ago

Are there any plans to make this plugin working correct with the new ACF 5.7.x?

Thanks Thomas

gamutsf commented 5 years ago

Same. Getting an error "cannot read property 'extend' of acf.field.image.extend -- prevents adding any images in acf-qtranslate image fields.

social-ink commented 5 years ago

Nthing this... Has the developer stopped providing updates?

ghost commented 5 years ago

really appreciate this plugin! hope the developer can make it compatible with the 5.7.X.

cgidds commented 5 years ago

Here's the fix for that error, which is in main.js:

 * Clone functionality from standard Image field type
acf.fields.qtranslate_image = acf.Field.extend({
    type: 'qtranslate_image',
    focus: function() {
        this.$el = this.$field.find('.acf-image-uploader.current-language');
        this.$input = this.$el.find('input[type="hidden"]');
        this.$img = this.$el.find('img');

        this.o = acf.get_data(this.$el);

 * Clone functionality from standard File field type
acf.fields.qtranslate_file = acf.Field.extend({
    type: 'qtranslate_file',
    focus: function() {
        this.$el = this.$field.find('.acf-file-uploader.current-language');
        this.$input = this.$el.find('input[type="hidden"]');

        this.o = acf.get_data(this.$el);

 * Clone functionality from standard WYSIWYG field type
acf.fields.qtranslate_wysiwyg = acf.Field.extend({
    type: 'qtranslate_wysiwyg',
    focus: function() {
        this.$el = this.$field.find('.wp-editor-wrap.current-language').last();
        this.$textarea = this.$el.find('textarea');
        this.o = acf.get_data(this.$el); = this.$textarea.attr('id');
    initialize: function() {
        var self = this;
        this.$field.find('.wp-editor-wrap').each(function() {
            self.$el = jQuery(this);
            self.$textarea = self.$el.find('textarea');
            self.o = acf.get_data(self.$el);
   = self.$textarea.attr('id');

Essentially, you want to change the acf.field.image.extend (and every other .extend) to acf.Field.extend instead. Even with that fix though, there's still a tinymce error when switching from Text to Visual in the WYSIWYG editor.

asedano commented 5 years ago

I did this and works fine:



acf.registerFieldType(acf.models.WysiwygField.extend({ type: 'qtranslate_wysiwyg', initializeEditor: function() { var self = this; this.$('.acf-editor-wrap').each(function() { var $wrap = $(this); var $textarea = $wrap.find('textarea'); var args = { tinymce: true, quicktags: true, toolbar: self.get('toolbar'), mode: self.getMode(), field: self };

  // generate new id
  var oldId = $textarea.attr('id');
  var newId = acf.uniqueId('acf-editor-');

  // rename
    target: $wrap,
    search: oldId,
    replace: newId,
    destructive: true

  // update id
  self.set('id', newId, true);

  // initialize
  acf.tinymce.initialize(newId, args);

} }));

flowgrow commented 5 years ago

hey @asedano thanks for this, I believe @funkjedi added this to the current version 1.7.24, right? unfortunately it still doesn't work for me on any of my WYSIWYG fields.

[Error] TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'r[e]')
    (anonymous function) (wp-tinymce.php:3:339907)
    e (wp-tinymce.php:3:339965)
    bind (wp-tinymce.php:3:11952)
    init (wp-tinymce.php:3:341333)
    e (editor.min.js:1:999)
    (anonymous function) (editor.min.js:1:273)
    C (wp-tinymce.php:3:11117)
    d (wp-tinymce.php:3:11258)

downgrading to ACF 5.6.10 also didn't work I got a fatal php error:

Class 'acf_field' not found in /var/www/salomon/wp-content/plugins/ACF-Nav-Menu-Field/nav-menu-v5.php on Line 18

any hints with this?

tmconnect commented 5 years ago

Thanks for updating