funkjedi / acf-qtranslate

Adds qTranslate compatible fields for Text, Text Area, Wysiwyg Editor and Image.
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How to search acf qtranslate fields? #131

Open fariskas opened 5 years ago

fariskas commented 5 years ago

I'm using this plugin with acf. I realised that searches made with the default wp query doesnt work with text from qtranslate acf fields.

i've also used this : And it only works for normal acf fields and not acf-qtranslate fields.

Any idea ?

funkjedi commented 5 years ago

ACF Better Search doesn't support selecting custom field types from its settings page. However you should be able to manually update the setting to include the custom fields types.

update_option('acfbs_fields_types', [
fariskas commented 5 years ago

worked a treat! thanks!

edited settings.php in the acf-better-search

      'text'                => __('Text', 'acf-better-search'),
      'textarea'            => __('Text Area', 'acf-better-search'),
      'number'              => __('Number', 'acf-better-search'),
      'email'               => __('Email', 'acf-better-search'),
      'url'                 => __('Url', 'acf-better-search'),
      'file'                => sprintf(__('File %s(it doesn\'t work in lite mode)%s', 'acf-better-search'), '<em>', '</em>'),
      'wysiwyg'             => __('Wysiwyg Editor', 'acf-better-search'),
      'select'              => __('Select', 'acf-better-search'),
      'checkbox'            => __('Checkbox', 'acf-better-search'),
      'radio'               => __('Radio Button', 'acf-better-search'),
      'qtranslate_wysiwyg'  => __('qTranslate Wysiwyg Editor', 'acf-better-search'),
      'qtranslate_text'     => __('qTranslate Text', 'acf-better-search'),
      'qtranslate_textarea' => __('qTranslate Text Area', 'acf-better-search')