funkmaster86 / dbus-shelly-pro-3em-smartmeter

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Shelly Firmware #7

Open lechez01 opened 5 months ago

lechez01 commented 5 months ago

What Shelly pro 3em firmware is the software for? There is a new firmware for the pro 3em 1.1.0 from 2023-12-19. I have the 0.14.1 it works, but I have sometimes the problem that the pro 3em isn´t reachable.

Rgds André

leowinterde commented 3 months ago

I am running the current firmware 1.2.2 - so far no problems

john-trn commented 3 weeks ago

I have firmware 1.3.2 and VenusOS cannot connect to Pro 3em

peregrines2 commented 5 days ago

For me it is working with newest Shelly firmware (1.3.3). 1.3.2 also worked without problems.