[jim@localhost blog-example]$ funktion create -h
This command will create one or more resources from the command one, a file, directory or URL
funktion create -f FILENAME [flags]
funktion create [command]
Available Commands:
flow Creates a new flow which creates an event stream and then invokes a function or HTTP endpoint
fn creates a new function
-d, --debug enable debugging for the function?
-e, --env stringArray pass one or more environment variables using the form NAME=VALUE
-f, --file string the file name that contains the source code for the function to create
--kubeconfig string the directory to look for the kubernetes configuration
--namespace string the namespace to create the resource
-w, --watch whether to keep watching the files for changes to the function source code
Use "funktion create [command] --help" for more information about a command.
[jim@localhost blog-example]$ funktion create fn --file $PWD
Error: unknown flag: --file
funktion create fn [flags]
-d, --debug enable debugging for the function?
-e, --env stringArray pass one or more environment variables using the form NAME=VALUE
--kubeconfig string the directory to look for the kubernetes configuration
-n, --name string the name of the function to create
--namespace string the namespace to create the resource
-r, --runtime string the runtime to use. e.g. 'nodejs' (default "nodejs")
-s, --source string the source code of the function to create
-w, --watch whether to keep watching the files for changes to the function source code
unknown flag: --file
thanks to @jcrossley3 for spotting this!