funnybrum / LossnayController-v2

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Lossnay Controller v2 on Home Assistent ESPHome ESP32 #1

Open Rudo1111 opened 1 year ago

Rudo1111 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I want to ask:

  1. Is it possible to use your installation in Home Assistant because it is in the Arduino project?
    1. It is possible to use your project on the ESP32 ESPHome board for Home Assistant. ? ( create a ymal file) Thanks for the reply.
funnybrum commented 1 year ago

Hi @Rudo1111,

  1. Nope. This has not been designed to work with Home Assistant. This is an ESP8266 project that converts the Mitsubishi Lossnay unit into an IoT (connected) device.
  2. I suppose so, but this will need a Home Assistant plugin IIRC. There is an API that can export the device status (fan speed, mode, and data from attached BME280 temperature sensors). There are APIs that can set the ventilation speed, turn on or off the unit, and set the mode (bypass or lossnay).

If you decide to go that way I'll revisit the documentation to be more user-friendly. There is a PCB project that can be ordered at JLCPCB. I'll also add assembly instructions for the PCB and BOM.

Rudo1111 commented 1 year ago

Hello, thank you, I have another question:

Processing d1_mini (platform: espressif8266@2.6.3; board: d1_mini; framework: arduino) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Verbose mode can be enabled via -v, --verbose option CONFIGURATION: PLATFORM: Espressif 8266 (2.6.3) > WeMos D1 R2 and mini HARDWARE: ESP8266 80MHz, 80KB RAM, 4MB Flash PACKAGES:

funnybrum commented 1 year ago

For the compilation error - check the documentation. There is an explicit section for that.

To be able to use the firmware you need a controller with several outputs and inputs. Outputs are with miniature SSRs, inputs are I2C sensors and several error pins from the Lossnay motherboard.

The V1 is very outdated. It is pretty basic and only allows you to turn on/off and set the fan speed.

The V2 also enables monitoring and temperature/humidity telemetry collection.

Give me a week or two. I'll try to link the PCB project with the required details for connecting it to the Lossnay unit.

Rudo1111 commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much for the info, I will look forward and wait. :-)

funnybrum commented 1 year ago

The documentation is updated. I would appreciate feedback on what is clear and what not.

Rudo1111 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I'm going to price (make) a PCB board in China, but they let me verify these components, so I want to ask you for a few photos (here or at of your PCB + connection to Lossnay so that I have an idea of ​​how it looks in real operation, and was able to confirm those components. well thank you. jst xhp-5, Taster_H, jst xhp-4, DG308-2.54-6P

funnybrum commented 1 year ago

That's a challenging task. The board is mounted inside the controller compartment of the ERV and access is close to impossible. The picture is a no-go.

Looking at the list of components below I can provide the following details:

So all listed components are the connectors.

To go ahead with the PCB you can ask them to skip these components. The missing connectors would be easily added after that. And moreover - they will give you the flexibility to choose what suits your needs - the footprint is pretty standard and different connectors can be used.

Regarding wiring the device to your ERV unit you'll have to go through the installation manual and the documentation of the project. This is not something that should be done based on pictures. Of course - if there are questions on that part I'll assist with answers.

Rudo1111 commented 1 year ago

ok, I'll write it there, I'll make 5 DPS 😁. Of course, when connecting, I will follow the instructions, not the photos, I just wanted to see the construction of the module for my idea. The question is, is the Wemos D1 mini or the Pro version better? And will it be possible to integrate it into my home assistant, or just control it via the web interface? well thank you

Rudo1111 commented 1 year ago

Hi, now I was told by the PCB factory that they don't know the Mfg Part number from the parts list: for wemos. You can't give me the number. Well thank you

funnybrum commented 1 year ago

This is the processor module. Google for Wemos D1 mini and try to identify the part number. You'll surely find it in Aliexpress - this is where I'm ordering the processors for my projects. If you fail to find the part number order one in Aliexpress and solder it by yourself.

Regarding the question, if you will be able to integrate it into the HASS - I have some doubts :) . This is a non-trivial task that requires Python knowledge and knowledge on implementing HASS integration. The Web interface is only for setting up the module. For controlling the ERV you can use APIs. Like opening http://{address}/on in the browser to turn on the unit.

Rudo1111 commented 1 year ago

Hi, can you create one file, for example (Lossnay Controller v2.bin) for ESP32, or a complete functional 1 directory for compilation in VSC, because I still can't create a compilation in VSC, it keeps saying errors in the files, as I wrote earlier. Otherwise, out of the blue, they sent me an offer for 133e for 5 pcs. So I'll upload the file to my test Wemos in the meantime, so that I can still make it. well thank you PCB_Lossnay+Controller+rs485+.xls