funseek / godot-ios-firebase-analytics

Firebase Analytics iOS Plugin for Godot
3 stars 3 forks source link

Xcode Build Failed - Undefined symbols for architecture arm64 #3

Open modernjesus1 opened 1 year ago

modernjesus1 commented 1 year ago
"ClassDB::bind_methodfi(unsigned int, MethodBind*, char const*, Variant const**, int)", referenced from:
      FirebaseAnalytics::_initialize_classv() in firebase-analytics.a(firebase_analytics.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64

I generated headers for 3.5.1. I don't have any problem with other ios plugins (IAP, Facebook, Admob)

Godot version: Godot 3.5.1

kdlee commented 3 months ago

Seems like an old issue, but in case it helps anybody,

Ran into the same issue while trying to make this plug in work for Godot 4.2.1 It happens if there is a debug/release mismatch between Godot & the plugin. Make sure you're using debug Godot with debug plugin and release Godot with release plugin.